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Hari Buruh

50 Ucapan Peringatan Hari Buruh Berbahasa Inggris, Cocok sebagai Pesan, hingga Update Status Sosmed

Penulis: garudea prabawati
Editor: Citra Agusta Putri Anastasia

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Ucapan Selamat Hari Buruh atau May Day.

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut 50 ucapan untuk Hari Buruh 2021, mengandung kata-kata inspiratif dan menyemangati.

Seperti diketahui, Hari Buruh diperingati setiap tanggal 1 Mei.

Sejarah Hari Buruh di Indonesia dimulai pada tahun 1920.

Namun saat Orde Baru, peringatan Hari Buruh ini dilarang oleh Pemerintah Indonesia saat itu.

Bahkan, Hari Buruh bukan lagi sebagai hari libur nasional.

50 Ucapan Hari Buruh 1 Mei/May Day dan Gambar, Bagikan ke WA atau Jadi Status di FB, Twitter, IG (

Hal tersebut lantaran Pemerintah menganggap gerakan buruh dihubungkan dengan gerakan dan paham komunis yang sejak kejadian G30S pada 1965 ditabukan di Indonesia.

Namun, setelah Orde Baru berakhir dan melewati pergolakan-pergolakan, tahun 2013, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) saat masih menjabat sebagai Presiden RI menjadikan 1 Mei sebagai hari libur nasional.

Peringatan ini berlaku lagi di Indonesia mulai tahun 2014.

Baca juga: KSPI Minta Polisi Tak Melarang Aksi Unjuk Rasa Saat Peringatan Hari Buruh

Lantas berikut 50 ucapan untuk memperingati Hari Buruh Nasional 2021, dikutip dari Wishes Quotes:

1. Labor Day is a special occasion to honor all workers. Please know that your efforts make a huge difference in the success of your team.

2. Celebrate a job well done as you enjoy the company of family and friends on this Labor Day.

3. You deserve a big celebration for getting the job done every time. This is your day to relax, unwind and enjoy the company of good friends.

4. Labor Day is a well-deserved tribute for those who work so hard. No matter what kind of work you do, Labor Day is for you.

5. Work is rewarding in many ways. I hope yours brings you the satisfaction you seek. Savor the Labor Day weekend as a reward for a job well done.

6. With hard work comes great satisfaction. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend.

7. There is a time for business and a time for pleasure. There is a time to work and a time to play. Labor Day is your time for pleasure and play. Enjoy!

8. It’s time to celebrate your work life. It’s been a great year for all of us. Have fun on Labor Day.

9. Every piece of equipment and technology in the modern workplace is made of thousands of parts. Each part is a valuable component made by people like you. You are valued. Happy Labor Day.

10. Each person in the workplace is but a cog in the machinery, but the machinery won’twork with a missing cog. You are valuable. We salute you on Labor Day.

11. The road to success in the workplace requires persistence, passion and commitment. You have demonstrated that you have all three and more. You are the reason we celebrate Labor Day.

12. Your dedication and commitment to your work is appreciated. Have a great Labor Day!

13. You put great effort in everything that you do, and you deserve to be appreciated by a grateful nation. May you grow and prosper some more in your chosen career.Have a wonderful time on Labor Day.

14. Work uplifts the workers as it keeps them productive, providing opportunities to learn and flourish in a changing economy. It takes great effort and sacrifice, but the work you do becomes part of your reward package. Enjoy everything you have this Labor Day.

15. Sometimes, it may seem like the world takes your efforts for granted. It may seem like you are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but I want you to know that you are valued and the work you do is much appreciated. Have a peaceful Labor Day!

16. There is a lot to ponder and be thankful for on Labor Day: the jobs we have, the compensation and benefits derived from our jobs and the sense of fulfillment we get from a job well done. Know that everything you do is truly appreciated on Labor Day and everyday.

17. On Labor Day, stop and smell the barbecue. Relax by the pool, and enjoy the last days of summer with those who motivate you to give your best at work all the time. Happy Labor Day to you and yours!

18. Be proud of what you do. Let your work speak for you. Happy Labor Day to everyone!

19. On Labor Day we give thanks for our ability to work, for access to jobs, fair wages and opportunities to grow. Have a Happy Labor Day as you take time off to enjoy the day.

20. Each worker contributes to the collective success of the organization. This is why our company thanks you today for all that you have done to contribute to our business success.

21. It’s family time and an event that marks the end of summer. It’s also tribute time for all workers who keep our economy grinding. Have fun on Labor Day.

22. On Labor Day, we take the time to acknowledge the entire workforce. Everyone matters. Enjoy your day. Best wishes for you and yours on Labor Day when we honor all workers.

23. Everything you do contributes to our economic systems. Enjoy the fruits of your labors on Labor Day.

24. It is a time for rest and introspection. It is a time to appreciate the opportunities we have been given. Happy Labor Day to everyone

25. There should be more than one annual event honoring workers because the work that you do is important for you, your family, your community and the entire nation. Have a fun-filled peaceful Labor Day.

Baca juga: Peringati May Day, Buruh dan Mahasiswa akan Gelar Unjuk Rasa di Istana dan Gedung MK

Baca juga: Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat Hari Buruh 1 Mei, May Day, Kirim ke WA atau Jadi Status di Media Sosial

Dikutip dari Future of Working:

26. Now that it’s Labor Day, you’ll have time to mow the lawn, tend to the garden, paint the shed, and trim the hedges. They don’t call it Labor Day for nothing! Happy Labor Day!

27. Happy Labor Day! I hope that you’re taking your Labor Day weekend in stride and leaving your work at the office. Don’t worry, it’ll be there when you get back.

28. You, and people like you, are the ones who have made this country what it is today. Thank you for all your hard work and have a fantastic Labor Day weekend!

29. When Labor Day is over and it’s time to get back to the daily grind, I hope you have a whole set of fond memories to share that you collected over the weekend. Happy Labor Day!

30. I’d wish you a Happy Labor Day, but I know how you’re going to be spending the weekend. So, instead, I’ll wish you a happy “recovering from the weekend” day. Stay as healthy as possible!

31. Is it true that mothers who give birth on Labor Day get presents every year on the day the holiday rolls around? If it’s not, it should be. Happy Labor Day!

32. Happy Labor Day! Only people who work as hard and as much as you do can relate to what a day off means. Enjoy the time to create fond memories over your long weekend.

33. I find it incredible that the person who created Labor Day didn’t know you. You’re the hardest working person I know and deserve every second of the holiday. Rest up this Labor Day weekend!

34. For some of us, Labor Day means far more than just a day off from work. It means a chance to reconnect with family and friends. Get reconnected and have a Happy Labor Day!

35. The worst part of the three-day weekend is the fourth morning, so enjoy it while it lasts! Have an outstanding Labor Day weekend!

36. Labor Day is one of the few times each year that we can take Monday off without calling in sick. Feel like a boss this weekend and have a Happy Labor Day!

37. Labor Day is for people like you who work all week, every week, and still find a way to make time for the rest of your family. Hats off to you and I hope you relax this long weekend!

38. I hope all of that rest you get at work will be enough to get you through the long weekend. Just kidding. Have a great Labor Day!

39. Happy Labor Day! Some people don’t want to slow down and take a day off from work. Others don’t want to go back to work when the long weekend is over. I know you’re the former not the latter, so despite your drive to succeed, take your well-deserved break!

40. As summertime comes to a close and Labor Day weekend comes ever closer, do the best you can to leave work at work, and enjoy the weather while it lasts over your long weekend. Happy Labor Day!

41. Happy Labor Day! You’re out dealing with this cruel world day in, day out, and take it like a champ. Let work’s burdens roll off your shoulders this Labor Day weekend, and take time to get some rest. Here’s to some much-needed rest and relaxation!

42. What’s one day off to someone who works all week every week? A relief! Use your Labor Day to recharge your batteries and spend time with those you love. Happy Labor Day!

43. Labor Day doesn’t mean you work in the yard all day! Take a break and smell the roses for a little while. Have a happy and refreshing Labor Day weekend!

44. Some people don’t take Labor Day too seriously and find it to be a forgettable holiday. Must be from all the drinking. Try not to be one of those people, but have a good time this Labor Day weekend!

45. Happy Labor Day! You’re used to working overtime whenever it presents itself. Well, due to the holiday, it looks like you’ll be doing some overtime at home – have some fun with it while it lasts!

46. Thank you for all of the hard work you do on the job and for this family. Few understand how loyal you are to all that you do, as much as I. Happy Labor Day!

47. Happy Labor Day! You provide for your family, and it shows. Through the grind and effort, you push on without hesitation. Take this Labor Day weekend to enjoy the fruit of your labor.

48. During Labor Day, I hope that you allow yourself to breathe. Sure, it’s an excellent opportunity to get busy around the house – but all that stuff will be around regardless. Take a break and enjoy yourself. Happy Labor Day!

49. Happy Labor Day! May you come out of the Labor Day weekend feeling refreshed, relaxed, and revitalized, ready to conquer life and work till the next long weekend!

50. Though we’ll be spending Labor Day apart from one another, please know I’ll be thinking of you constantly, and hope for the time we’ll be seeing each other again. Happy Labor Day!

Baca juga: Mulai 6 Mei Tak Ada Penerbangan di Bandara Malikussaleh Aceh Utara Selama 12 Hari

Berita soal Hari Buruh 2021 lainnya.

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