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40 Ucapan Selamat Peringatan Isra Miraj 1444 H/2023 Bahasa Inggris, Untuk Pesan hingga Status Sosmed

Penulis: garudea prabawati
Editor: Pravitri Retno W

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Inilah kumpulan 40 ucapan dan kata mutiara untuk memperingati Isra Miraj 1441 H yang jatuh pada Sabtu (18/2/2023)). Cocok jadi status di media sosial.

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut 40 kumpulan ucapan peringatan Isra Miraj yang diperingati pada hari ini, Sabtu (18/2/2023).

Diketahui, Isra Miraj merupakan tanda mukjizat Isra terjadi dalam perjalanan hidup Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Kejadian tersebut terjadi pada tanggal 27 Rajab.

Isra Miraj adalah dua perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam satu malam pada 621.

Isra Miraj digambarkan sebagai perjalanan fisik dan spiritual (rohani) yang bersumber dari kitab suci umat Islam Al-Quran surat Al Isra dan hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Baca juga: Apa Itu Isra Miraj? Ini Penjelasan dan Tujuan Perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW

Mengutip Huffpost, Isra Miraj adalah perjalanan malam Nabi Muhammad dari Mekah ke masjid terjauh, yaitu Masjid Aqsa di Yerusalem, lalu naik ke surga, dimurnikan, dan diberi perintah bagi umat Islam untuk salat lima kali sehari.

Pada kalender Islam, Isra Miraj secara umum diperingati pada hari ke-27 bulan Rajab. Isra Miraj terdiri dari dua bagian perjalanan utama yaitu perjalanan ke masjid terjauh (Isra) dan ke surga (Miraj).

Lantas, berikut kumpulan ucapannya menggunakan bahasa Inggris, dirangkum dari dan

Cocok digunakan untuk berbagi pesan, hingga update status di sosial media (sosmed).

1. Forgiveness gives us a kind and special feeling. Let us celebrate today by forgiving each other’s mistakes.

2. On this Isra and Mi’raj night, let us celebrate the night journey and the holy ascension.

3. We wish you a blessed day!! Our best wishes on the observance of Al Isra’a Wal Mi’raj 2023 May this miraculous & inspirational night bring you all the blessings

4. This Isra Miraj 2023 let us take the chance to preach to the students about the holy night journey of Prophet Muhammad.

Kumpulan ucapan selamat Isra Miraj 1444 H yang jatuh pada Sabtu, 18 Februari 2023. Ucapan selamat Isra Miraj berisi doa dan kata-kata baik yang bisa dibagikan ke WA. (

5. Let us remember Isra Wal Mi’raj night as the night of forgiveness. Happy Isra Miraj 2023!

6. This day made us believe in miracles. So let us try to create miracles in life.

Baca juga: Ucapan Isra Miraj 2023 dan Link Twibbon Isra Miraj 1444 H, Jadikan Status di Media Sosial

7. Let us praise what Muhammed saw and also not forget to praise the meaning of his journey.

8. Let us do take this opportunity and do Maghrib after praying the Isha Namaz. Isra Miraj 2023 Mubarak!

9. On this day let us do Qaza, fulfill, or complete the duties that one may have missed for any reason.

10. Al Isra Wal Mi’raj The Miraculous Journey Of Prophet Mohammad SAW

11. On this Isra and Mi’raj let us praise the law of Prophet Muhammad.

12. On this holy occasion of Al Isra’a Wal Mi’raj 2023 (Night Journey and Ascension), hanyacoretankami wishes you peace and happiness.

13. Let us do take this opportunity and do Maghrib after praying the Isha Namaz.

14. On this Isra and Mi’raj let us praise the law of Prophet Muhammad. Happy Isra Miraj 2023!

15. Let us praise the inspiring law of Prophet Muhammad which guides our lives in so many different ways. Wishing a very Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day 2023 to all.

16. Wishes you all the best for this great and holy occasion of Al-Isra Wal Miraj. Quand Allah One God, His messenger Muhammed (Saw).

17. I would like to wish you a blessed day on the holy occasion of Al-Isra Wal Miraj. The Night Journey cannot be compared with any other event in human history.

18. Today is the Isra and Miraj, a holiday observed by our fellow Muslims. Let us give way for this peaceful event. Happy ascension of prophet Muhammed day to all my Muslim brothers around the world.

19. Shab-e-Miraj Mubarak! This event marks the night when ALLAH took Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on a journey from Makkah to Jerusalem and then to Heaven, and the gift of one of the five pillars of Islam (Salat / prayer) was given to us all. May ALLAH bless us all. Ameen.

20. The celebration of the day of Isra Miraj of the Prophet Muhammad means to explore the meaning of prayer. Isra and Miraj Mubarak!

21. There are momentous times in the history of all peoples. Momentous days, weeks and months. The Muslims are no exception. Rajab is a month in which history has been shaped throughout time. Wish everyone on this holy occasion of Al Isra Wal Miraj. Have a blessed day!

22. Wishing all our friends and associates the very best on the holy occasion of Al Isra' wal Miraj. Rajab is the beginning of our preparation in welcoming the month of fasting Ramadan, let's increase the faith in Allah in this Isra and Miraj as exemplified by our prophet Muhammad.

23. Happy Isra Mi’raj for the Muslim in the world. Allah bless us.

24. Congratulations on commemorating Isra Miraj Day for Muslims who celebrate. Hopefully we can get the perfection of faith and Islam.

25. Congratulations on commemorating Isra Miraj for all Muslims. Hopefully we are better and can follow the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Amen.

Contoh Twibbon Isra Miraj 2023 - Inilah kumpulan 50 link Twibbon Isra Miraj 2023, beserta cara membuatnya dan cocok untuk dibagikan di media sosial, seperti FB, IG, WA, dan Twitter. (laman webiste

26. Congratulations on commemorating Isra Miraj of Prophet Muhammad SAW for Muslims. Increase our faith & devotion to Allah SWT.

27. Congratulations on commemorating Isra Miraj Rasulullah Muhammad SAW for my Muslim brothers. Hopefully we can always imitate his noble character.

28. Congratulations Celebrating Isra Miraj for Muslims who run.

Baca juga: Apa yang Ada di Langit Ketujuh? Sidratul Muntaha Jadi Tempat Terakhir Nabi Muhammad saat Isra Miraj

29. Warm wishes on Isra and Mi’raj Day to everyone. On this auspicious occasion, let us seek blessings of Allah and forgiveness from everyone whom we may have hurt.

30. The occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day reminds us that there is nothing more important than attaining peace in life and we must work for it.

31. On the occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day, let us take this opportunity to offer prayers to those who are seek and seek blessings from Allah for a blessed life.

32. The auspicious occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day reminds each one of us to fulfill all our duties and responsibilities that we might have missed on during all these years.

33. Let us celebrate the special occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day with our family and friends by offering the night prayers and praying for happiness and peace.

34. Let us praise the inspiring law of Prophet Muhammad which guides our lives in so many different ways. Wishing a very Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day to all.

35. Wishing all my near and dear ones a very Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day. This day is a reminder to every Muslim to offer night prayers and seek blessings.

36.  The holy occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day must be celebrated with high spirits. Let us bow our heads and raise our hands in offering prayers to the Almighty.

37. Wishing everyone a very Happy Isra and Mi’raj Day. This auspicious day reminds us to be good in our actions and in completing our duties.

38. Let us celebrate the occasion of Isra and Mi’raj Day by forgiving each other and by asking for forgiveness for our wrong actions. Warm wishes on this day to all.

39. Happy Isra Mi’raj for you all Muslim in the world. We love Nabi Muhammad SAW. 27 Rajab 1442 H.

40. Happy Isra Mi’raj of Prophet Muhammad SAW, 27 Rajab 1442 for all Moslem all over the world! Allah bless you.

( Prabawati)

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