TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut ini jawaban dan soal untuk latihan Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) atau Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Kelas VII SMP.
Dalam artikel ini, tersedia soal UAS semester ganjil atau I mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang dapat digunakan sebagai latihan mengasah kemampuan siswa dalam menjawab soal-soal.
Selain itu, juga sebagai latihan untuk menghadapi ulangan harian dan belajar siswa.
Ada 15 soal pilihan ganda yang bisa dipelajari.
Baca juga: KUNCI JAWABAN Soal Ulangan Matematika UAS/PAS Kelas 7 SMP Semester Ganjil
Baca juga: Berapa Banyak Diagonal Ruang yang Terdapat Pada Balok? Kunci Jawaban Tema 5 Kelas 6 SD Hal 16 - 19
Berikut soal latihan untuk UAS/PAS Kelas 7 SMP Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris:
1. Arini: What t ime do you get up every day?
Sint a: I usually … at 5 o’clock.
A. got up
B. get up
C. gets up
D. have got up
Jawab: B
2. Adi: That ’s a nice pet bird!
Anton:…. I just got it at a pet shop.
A. sorry
B. oh, thanks
C. see you later
D. you’re welcome
Jawab: B
3. Juan : Hi! Carlos.….
Carlos : Fine, t hanks!
A. How’s life?
B. hello!
C. Morning!
D. Good bye!
Jawab: A
4. X: It ’s gett ing dark. … the light , please!
Y: All right!
A. put off
B. get
C. turn on
D. shut down
Jawab: C
5. Diana is stepping on someone’s foot in the bus.
Diana : ….
Someone : Yeah. It ’s OK.
A. Hallo!
B. T hanks!
C. See you!
D. Oops, sorry
Jawab: D
6. Father : It’s gett ing hot in this room. Swit ch on …, please.
Daughter: Sure.
A. the fan
B. t he light
C. t he heater
D. the refrigerator
Jawab: A
7. X : What t ime is t he flag ceremony on Monday?
Y : It … begins at 7 o’clock.
A. usually
B. seldom
C. sometimes
D. once in a while
Jawab: C
8. A : I feel hungry.
B : Do you … somet hing to eat ?
A. need
B. enjoy
C. dislike
D. hate
Jawab: A
9. Mother: I need two eggs and some frying oil.
Daughter: What do you … t o prepare, mom?
Mot her: An omelet .
A. dislike
B. want
C. hat e
D. buy
Jawab: B
10. Diah : Miss. Lusi … speak Japanese.
Asih : You know, she has lived in Japan for years.
A. cannot
B. can
C. will
D. will not
Jawab: B
Question 11 - 13
Nancy, a housewife, is quit e a busy woman. She does many things: washes clothes, cleans the house, cooks, buys food, and plans things for her family. She is really t he housekeeper and the driver for all of them. Her days are quite long. She has got three children. Lousie and Dick, seven and nine years old, are in school now, but Tommy, only three years old, isn’t . He goes to nursery school two morning a week. T hese two mornings are very nice for Nancy. Shuses this time to read and rest a litt le.
11. How many children does Nancy have?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
Jawab: B
12. “These two mornings are very nice for Nancy”. The opposite of nice is ….
A. int erest ing
B. good
C. bad
D. annoying
Jawab: C
13. The main idea of this paragraph is ….
A. her days are quit e long
B. Nancy is a housewife
C. She has got 3 children
D. Nancy is a busy woman
Jawab: B
Questions 14 – 15
Look! These are our school uniforms. The hats are white and blue. The … (14)… is white. T he belt is black.
The …(15)… is blue. The shoes are black. On Monday, I usually wear a blue tie.
14. A. shorts
B. skirts
C. shirts
D. pants
Jawab: C
15. A. shirts
B. shocks
C. sleeves
D. trousers
Jawab: D
*) Sumber:
*) Soal dan jawaban dalam artikel ini dapat digunakan sebagai latihan untuk menghadapi UAS/PAS atau ulangan harian siswa.
( Bangun DS)