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Kunci Jawaban Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris PAS/UAS Kelas 10 SMA Semester Ganjil

Editor: Muhammad Renald Shiftanto

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Siswa belajar dari rumah didampingi orangtua, Selasa (31/3/2020) - Berikut ini kunci jawaban soal latihan soal Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) dan Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut ini kunci jawaban soal latihan soal Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) dan Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA semester ganjil.

Jawaban dan soal yang dibahas hanyalah sebagai latihan dan referensi bahan belajar bagi siswa, guru, dan orang tua dalam membimbing anak-anak peserta didik.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMP Semester Ganjil

Pilihan Ganda

I. Jawablah dengan benar soal-soal berikut ini!

My sister … (1) to cook. … (2) I have a great idea for lunch every day. … (3) Cook oxtail soup for today. I invited my friends to our house to try this soup. … (4) liked it very much and told … (5) the sister opened a restaurant because she thought many people would like this soup and she would make a lot of money with … (6).


a. lvoe
b. love
c. full of love
d. love
e. interlacing

Answer: d


a. that
b. that
c. you
d. I
e. we

Answer: b


a. we
b. you
c. we
d. that
e. that

Answer: d


a. that
b. that
c. you
d. you
e. that

Answer: d


a. they
b. they
c. she is
d. I
e. From me

Answer: d


a. that
b. they
c. they
d. they
e. they

Answer: a

7. This dialog is for question No. 7-9

Lisa: Hi Sally, did you read the announcement?
Sally: About what?
Lisa: “Eric just sent me a text saying that you have passed the state exam.
Sally: Oh really?
Lisa: Yes, you can read the text yourself, here it is.
Sally: Wow, thanks for letting me know.
Lisa: Don’t say that. I … (7)
Sally: “… (8) for saying that.”
Lisa: … (9) Where will you continue your studies? “
Sally: I don’t know yet.

a. Congratulations on the conclusion
b. Congratulations on your performance
c. Sorry to hear that
d. IM very proud of you
e. so

Answer: d


a. no
b. Thank you very much
c. I am happy
d. I am very happy
e. I am very proud

Answer: b


a. well
b. You’re welcome
c. Of course
d. Yes i do
e. Good luck

Answer: b


What is – aroma – jasmine – white
What are the correct settings for the product above?

a. The scent of white jasmine that I have.
b. White jasmine is the aroma.
c. White jasmine is the aroma
d. This is the scent of white jasmine
e. The aroma of the white jasmine

Answer: a

11. How long does BBC World Service broadcast in English?
This will be sent …… hours a day.

a. 20
b. 24
c. 28
d. 26
e. 37

Answer: a

12. The program focuses on the latest news and events, but also includes music, science, sports and theater programs.
The word in the sentence refers to …

a. Buschhaus
b. The BBC
c. The program
d. London
e. News

Answer: c

13. BBC World Service has a program.

a. Science, music, advertising, commerce, drama
b. Music, science, sports, film, drama
c. Sports, drama, science, music
d. Music, advertising, commerce, music
e. Drama, culture, science, sports, music

Answer: e

14. World Services mainly deals with.

a. Science and drama
b. Drama and news
c. News and music
d. news and infidelity
e. Current affairs and music

Answer: d

15. Who came to Richard this morning.

a. Baker
b. Your husband
c. The poor
d. Electric man
e. His children

Answer: c

16. The man screamed and jumped a few steps because.

a. He was surprised to see someone coming
b. He was afraid to see something like a ghost
c. He was surprised to see Mr. Richards
d. He was mad at Mrs. Richards
e. He stopped reading the electricity meter

Answer: a

17. Where is Ms. Richards hiding.

a. In the kitchen
b. In the kitchen
c. In the bedroom
d. In front of the door
e. In the dining room

Answer: e

18. What type of text do the authors use.

a. Report
b. The procedure
c. history
d. descriptive
e. To inform

Answer: c

19. What is the text for.

a. Richards story of Ny
b. To describe a ghost under the stairs
c. To tell the story of a haunted house
d. To explain how Ms. daily activities are Richards
e. Richards provides information about Ms. Housework

Answer: a

20. Why is Nasreddin on the roof of his house.

a. He saw the sight
b. He was waiting for the old man
c. He repaired the roof
d. He is resting
e. He was upset with the old man

Answer: a

21. Who is the old man.

a. Nasreddin’s father
b. Nasreddin’s friend
c. the seller’s roof
d. Roof stylist
e. A beggar

Answer: d

22. Why and Nasreddin I to go down the stairs.

a. He wants to leave his job
b. Because beggars ask about it
c. He wants to talk to beggars
d. He wants to take the roof
e. He wants to go with this beggar

Answer: b

23. The following sentence is based on text, except.

a. fixing tiles when someone
Call him
b. was satisfied with his work
c. Nasredin did not look down when the old man called
she is
d. The old man asked for some money
e. asked the beggars to go up the stairs

Answer: e

24. saw an come clothes standing under … (line 4). The antonym of the underlined word (DIRTY) is.

a. Bad
b. secure
c. clean
d. bright
e. well

Answer: a

25. Today is Wednesday. 3 days ago.

a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Thursday
d. Friday
e. Sunday

Answer: b

26. A: Hello Jhon, how are you.

a. Hi
b. Hello, how are you
c. Hello, how are you
d. Hello, I’m fine
e. Hi, very good

Answer: c

II. Soal Essay:

1. Yes, I really work (no)

2. World population … (increasing) very quickly.

3.  …. You (work) on a special project at work?

4. Reni is Lenny’s opponent.

    Lenny is … Reny

    … will he come with us tonight?

5. Create three sentences with surprising expressions!

6. Have a dialogue to express distrust!

7. Complete this sentence with a prize!

8. Angela has just started night class. He … learn German.

    Give an answer!

    Gina: “Rara, would you like to watch the movie” When Love Glorifies “tonight?

    Rara: “….”

9. Daddy wants to give Pasya a new bike because he has good grades in physics.

    Create a dialogue based on the statement above!

10. Akram: “Will you always have a free dinner next week?”
       Naomi: Oh, thank you very much.
       The dialogue tells about … be careful

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