TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut ini kunci jawaban Kelas 9 Halaman 86 Observing & Asking Questions.
Kunci jawaban berupa mengisi kolom yang berisi kata kerja, di mana siswa harus mengisi kolom present, past dan for an action in progress.
Kunci jawaban kelas 9 halaman 86 ini berlaku untuk kurikulum 2013 yang sudah revisi 2018.
Orang tua atau wali murid dapat menggunakan artikel ini sebagai acuan pembelajaran.
Siswa dianjurkan untuk mengerjakan sebelum melihat kunci jawaban.
Simak kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 86.
Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 135 Collecting Information Paragraph 1: Dayang Sumbi
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 86
Observing & Asking Questions
1. to be
Present: am, is, are
Past: was were
For an action in progress: being
2. to think
Present: think
Past: thought
For an action in progress: thinking
3. to hear
Present: hear
Past: heard
For an action in progress: hearing
4. to have
Present: have, has
Past: had
For an action in progress: having
5. to turn
Present: turn
Past: turned
For an action in progress: turning
6. to go
Present: goes
Past: went, gone
For an action in progress: going
7. to stay
Present: stay
Past: stayed
For an action in progress: staying
8. to try
Present: try, tries, trying
Past: tried
For an action in progress: trying
9. to study
Present: studies, studying
Past: studied
For an action in progress: studying
10. to ask
Present: ask
Past: asked
For an action in progress: asking
11. to make
Present: make, makes
Past: made
For an action in progress: making
12. to do
Present: do
Past: did
For an action in progress: doing
13. to came
Present: come
Past: came
For an action in progress: coming
14. to help
Present: help
Past: helped
For an action in progress: helping
15. to fix
Present: help
Past: helped
For an action in progress: helping
16. to call
Present: call
Past: called
For an action in progress: calling
17. to mix
Present: mix
Past: mixed
For an action in progress: mixing
18. to tell
Present: tell
Past: told
For an action in progress: telling
19. to look
Present: look
Past: looked
For an action in progress: looking
20. to describe
Present: describe
Past: described
For an action in progress: describing
21. to write
Present: write
Past: wrote
For an action in progress: writing
*) Disclaimer: Artikel ini hanya ditujukan kepada orangtua untuk memandu proses belajar anak.
Sebelum melihat kunci jawaban, siswa harus terlebih dahulu menjawabnya sendiri, setelah itu gunakan artikel ini untuk mengoreksi hasil pekerjaan siswa.
( Safira)