TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 98 Kurikulum Merdeka.
Pada soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 98 Kurikulum Merdeka, siswa diminta untuk membuat pertanyaan dan jawaban tentang tamasya di Taman Nasional Lestari sesuai dengan peta yang disajikan.
Sebelum melihat kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 98 Kurikulum Merdeka, siswa diharapkan dapat mengerjakan soal secara mandiri. tidak bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 98 Kurikulum Merdeka.
Section 7 - Your Turn
Unit 1. Going to a National Park
Look at the map of Lestari National Park. Identify places you can visit in the park.
Interview a classmate about an excursion at Lestari National Park following the map. Make a question list before you interview your friend. Number one has been done for you as an example.
1. Example:
Question: Where did you gather with your friends before the excursion trip?
Answer: We gathered at Lestari National Park gate. It is number 1 on the map.
Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 84 dan 85 Kurikulum Merdeka, Worksheet 2.2 dan 2.3
2. Question: What did you see in the dedication area?
Answer: We saw a tree called Tampar Hantu at dedication area. It is number 2 on the map.
3. Question: Where did you do in limited plants area?
Answer: We took pictures of Pohon Ulin in limited plants area. It is number 4 on the map.
4. Question: What did you see at flower area?
Answer: We saw roses, jasmines, and lotuses in the flowers area. It is number 6 on the map.
5. Question: Did you having fun at Lestari National Park?
Answer: Yes, we did because we got some experiences at camping ground. It is number 3 on the map.
6. Question: Where did you pick and eat fruits at Lestari National Park?
Answer: We picked and ate fruits in fruits area. It is number 5 on the map.
7. Question: Did you take notes orchids at Lestari National Park.
Answer: Yes, we took notes about orchids when cisited Orchids' Area. It is number 7 on the map.
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