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News Item Text: Pengertian, Struktur, Contoh Soal dan Jawaban

Penulis: Yunita Rahmayanti
Editor: Febri Prasetyo

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News Item Text.

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Apakah kamu pernah memperhatikan struktur berita dalam bahasa Inggris?

Secara garis besar, teks berita dalam bahasa Inggris terdiri dari sejumlah komponen atau item berita.

Materi news item text akan mempermudah siswa untuk mengetahui struktur suatu berita.

Agar lebih mudah memahami, simak materi News item text di bawah ini.

Pengertian News Item Text

News item text adalah teks yang memberi tahu pembaca tentang peristiwa hari itu. Peristiwa tersebut dianggap layak diberitakan atau penting.

Tujuan news item text untuk memberi tahu pembaca tentang peristiwa penting atau layak diberitakan hari itu.

Struktur News Item Text

Struktur News Item Text (Skolla)
  1. Headline (judul)
  2. Newsworthy Event (ringkasan peristiwa)
  3. Background Event (latar belakang), terdiri dari:
    • Apa
    • Siapa
    • Di mana
    • Kapan
    • Mengapa
    • Bagaimana.
  4. Source (sumber), dapat berasal dari:
    • Ahli
    • Saksi
    • Komentar dari orang yang terlibat dalam peristiwa.

Baca juga: Simple Past Tense: Pengertian, Rumus Past Tense, dan Contoh Soal


Di dalam News Item, terdapat bagai macam conjunctions atau kata hubung. Conjunctions adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata, frasa, klausa, atau kalimat.

Conjunctions berfungsi untuk menghubungkan ide atau informasi, menunjukkan hubungan sebab-akibat, membandingkan atau membedakan, menambah informasi, menyatakan waktu atau urutan peristiwa, menyampaikan kontras atau alternatif, dll.

Berikut ini jenis-jenis conjunctions berdasarkan fungsinya.

a. Menunjukkan hal/ide yang bertentangan

  1. Between sentence (diletakkan di antara kalimat):
    • however
    • nevertheless
    • nonetheless
    • on the other hand
    • on the contrary
    • in contrast
    • still
  2. Adverb Clause:
    • although
    • even though
    • though
    • whereas
    • while
    • whilst
    • however
  3. Conjunctions:
    • but (...anyway)
    • yet (...still)
  4. Preposition:
    • despite
    • in spite of
  5. Example:
    • She studied hard for the exam; however, she still didn't get the grade she was hoping for.
    • He decided to buy the car, although it was slightly over his budget.
    • She continued to pursue her dreams despite facing numerous setbacks.

b. Menambahkan hal/ide

  1. Between Sentence:
    • furthermore
    • morover
    • in addition
    • besides
    • likewise
    • additionally
  2. Adverb Clause: -
  3. Conjunctions: and
  4. Preposition: besides
  5. Example:
    • The new smartphone features an advanced camera system; furthermore, it boasts enhanced security features to protect user data.
    • I enjoy swimming, and besides being good exercise, it helps me relax after a long day at work

c. Menunjukkan pilihan/alternatif

  1. Between Sentence: otherwise
  2. Adverb Clause:
    • if
    • unless
    • only if
    • even if
    • whether or not
    • in case
    • in the event that
  3. Conjunctions: or (else)
  4. Preposition: -
  5. Example:
    • I need to finish this report by tomorrow; otherwise, I'll miss the deadline.
    • Unless you study diligently, you won't pass the exam.
    • Finish your homework now, or else you won't be able to go out with your friends later.

d. Menunjukkan sebab/akibat

  1. Between Sentence:
    • therefore
    • consequently
    • hence
    • thus
    • as a result
    • for this reason
  2. Adverb Clause:
    • Because
    • As
    • Since
    • now that
    • so (that)
  3. Conjunctions:
    • so
    • for
  4. Preposition:
    • because of
    • due to
  5. Example:
    • She forgot to set her alarm clock; consequently, she overslept and missed her morning meeting.
    • He didn't eat breakfast; therefore he felt weak during the morning.

e. Memberikan contoh

  1. Between Sentence:
    • for example
    • for instance e.g/eg
  2. Adverb Clause: -
  3. Conjunctions:
    • for example
    • for instance e.g/eg
  4. Preposition:
    • an example of...
    • such as...
  5. Example:
    • There are various ways to reduce stress, for example, meditation, exercise, and deep breathing techniques.
    • John's artwork is often cited as an example of creativity and originality in the contemporary art scene.

f. Memberikan penegasan dari pernyataan sebelumnya

  1. Between Sentence:
    • in fact
    • as a matter of fact
  2. Adverb Clause: -
  3. Conjunctions: -
  4. Preposition: -
  5. Example:
    • I thought Sarah was going to be late for the meeting; in fact, she arrived early.
    • She always seems confident; as a matter of fact, she's quite nervous before public speaking.
    • They claimed to have invented the technology; as a matter of fact, it was developed by another company years ago.

g. Menunjukkan waktu yang bersamaan

  1. Between Sentence:
    • Meanwhile
    • in the meantime
    • at the same time
    • at that time
  2. Adverb Clause:
    • while
    • as
    • when
    • whenever
  3. Conjunctions: -
  4. Preposition: -
  5. Example:
    • John was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen; meanwhile, his wife was setting the table in the dining room.
    • She listened to music while she was jogging in the park.

h. Menunjukkan urutan waktu dari dua kejadian atau lebih

  1. Between Sentence:
    • soon
    • then
    • afterwards
    • after that
    • before that
  2. Adverb Clause:
    • after
    • before
    • as soon as
    • since
  3. Conjunctions: -
  4. Preposition: -
  5. Example:
    • I finished my work at the office; afterwards, I went to meet my friends for dinner.
    • She promised to email the report as soon as she completes the final edits.

i. Menyatakan tujuan

  1. Between Sentence: -
  2. Adverb Clause:
    • in order to
    • in order that
    • so as to
  3. Conjunctions: so (that)
  4. Preposition: -
  5. Example:
    • She exercises regularly in order to stay fit and healthy.
    • She arrived early so as to secure the best seats for the concert.
    • He saved money so that he could buy a new car.

j. Menyatakan hasil/akibat

  1. Between Sentence: -
  2. Adverb Clause:
    • so ... that ...
    • such ... that ...
  3. Conjunctions: -
  4. Preposition: -
  5. Example:
    • The weather was so cold that we had to cancel our outdoor picnic.
    • The movie was so exciting that I couldn't stop talking about it for days.
    • The cake was such a masterpiece that everyone at the party couldn't resist having seconds.

Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan

Town “Contaminated”

Moscow – a Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town. Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to some people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of Shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostock.

The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the victor-class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean-up operation to remove more than 600 tons of contaminated materials were sworn to secrecy.

A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the soviet navy.

  1. Where did the explosion occur?
    A. Near Moscow
    B. In Shkotovo
    C. At the naval base
    D. Near Russia
    E. In Vladivostock
  2. Who saw the explosion?
    A. Yelena Vazrshavskya
    B. A Russian Journalist
    C. A board of investigators
    D. 10 sailors
    E. Some people
  3. The word “explosion” in “… the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of Shkotovo –22 near Vladivostock." is closest in meaning to ….
    A. exploitation
    B. expansion
    C. blast
    D. calamity
    E. mischance
  4. She practiced piano diligently; ...... , she didn't perform well at the recital.
    A. however
    B. furthermore
    C. otherwise
    D. moreover
    E. unless
  5. Make sure you turn off the lights when you leave, ......, we'll waste electricity.
    A. however
    B. nevertheless
    C. otherwise
    D. only if
    E. unless
  6. We can't leave the house ...... it stops raining.
    A. however
    B. nevertheless
    C. in addition
    D. besides
    E. unless
  7. The heavy rainfall caused flooding in the area, ......, several roads were closed off to traffic.
    A. for example
    B. for instance
    C. as a result
    D. in fact
    E. as a matter of fact
  8. She enjoys reading various genres of books, ...... mystery, science fiction, and historical fiction.
    A. such as
    B. consequently
    C. therefore
    D. in fact
    E. as a matter of fact
  9. The experiment was expected to fail; ......, it produced groundbreaking results.
    A. consequently
    B. therefore
    C. such as
    D. because
    E. in fact
  10. I usually drink coffee ...... I'm working late at night.
    A. when
    B. as soon as
    C. soon
    D. in order to
    E. so that
  11. I will go to the gym ...... I finish my work.
    A. meanwhile
    B. soon
    C. after
    D. so that
    E. so as to
  12. They organized the event meticulously ...... everything would run smoothly.
    a. soon
    b. afterwards
    c. then
    d. in order that
    e. in fact
  13. The traffic was .... heavy .... we arrived at the party an hour late.
    a. so; that
    b. but; also
    c. after; before
    d. either; or
    e. neither; nor

Soal Isian

  1. ……(although)…….. it was cold, we went swimming.
  2. The city has an excellent art museum. …...…(in addition)………, it has a fine symphony orchestra.
  3. You’d better hurry. ……(otherwise)………, you’ll be late.
  4. Bring a map ……(in case)………… you get lost.
  5. A storm was approaching. ……(therefore)…………, the children stayed at home.
  6. We went swimming ……(because of)….. the hot weather.
  7. There are many interesting places to visit in Indonesia, ……(for example)….., Mount Bromo and Raja Ampat.
  8. He doesn’t work. ………(as a matter of fact).……, he’s never had a job.
  9. She waited ……(until)………. her coffee had cooled down.
  10. It is …(such)… hot coffee ……(that)…… I can’t drink it.

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( Rahmayanti)

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