TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Aktris Marshanda tulis surat menyentuh dalam momen ulang tahun sang ayah beberapa waktu lalu.
Melalui akun Instagram @marshanda99, ia menuliskan sebuah puisi dan surat untuk sang ayah.
Tak hanya itu, Marshanda juga mengunggah sebuah foto lama, ketika ia masih kecil.
Baca: Marshanda Ingin Ayahnya Pulang karena Kangen Berat, Janji akan Terima Kondisi dan Masa Lalunya
Diunggah pada Kamis (17/9/2020), ia menuliskan sebuah puisi berjudul 'My August 18th'.
Puisi tersebut sengaja ditulis Marshanda dalam momen ulang tahun sang ayah pada 18 Agustus lalu.
Dalam puisi, ia menyampaikan perasaan sayangnya terhadap sang ayah.
Ketika sedang menulis puisi, Marshanda pun sedang mengenang waktu bersama di masa lalu.
Meski sang ayah tak ada di sisi, aktris berusia 31 tahun ini merasakan kehadirannya.
Saat memikirkan dan melihat foto-foto lama, ia mengaku sangat merindukan sang ayah.
Berikut puisi lengkap yang tulis oleh Marshanda.
I have lost so much that I love
I understand nothing’s ever belong to me
But tonight
I cherish our time together
I cherish all of our short little steps together
But if having you close to me was meant to be that short in my life
I want you to know
I am grateful to have our relationship
Even within your absence, I feel you exist
And I think of you
I look for pictures with you in it
And I thought I am over the phase of missing you and crying because of that.
But I guess this time I just feel you.
I hope you know.
I think of you.
On your birthday.
I hope you know. I love you.
I accept you.
Forever you’re in that deep deep part of my heart.
And I hope I am in yours, too.
I hope your soul smiles when you read this.
It’s August 18th.
You’re my August 18th.
Happy birthday,
Marshanda menjelaskan, telah menulis puisi tersebut tepat pada 18 Agustus 2020, lalu.
Namun ia mengaku lupa untuk mengunggahnya di media sosial.
Mantan istri Ben Kasyafani itu berharap ada seseorang yang membaca puisinya dan memberi tahu sang ayah.
"I wrote this on August 18th 2020 and regret not posting it that very day. Now I decided to share this letter I made for Papa.
Because I hope someone will read this and tell my dad about this poem I wrote for him. So, he’d know how much he Still means to me. How much I still remember him.
And how deep in my heart, the place where I keep my everlasting love for him. I dont know why, it’s written in our story that we should be separated in this lifetime, Pa.
And we’re only together in a few of old photographs. We are together as one, very vividly, in my memories," terang Marshanda.
Meski terpisah, Marshanda menuturkan bahwa sang ayah telah dimaafkan.
Ia berharap sang ayah tak merasa gagal, Marshanda merasa Irwan Yusuf tetaplah seorang orangtuanya.
Baca: Marshanda Terharu saat Buka Hadiah Buatan Sienna dan Istri Ben Kasyafani, Nangis saat Baca Suratnya
Baca: Istri Ben Kasyafani Ternyata Kenal dengan Marshanda Sejak Sebelum Sang Artis Cerai dari Suaminya
Tak sampai di situ, bahkan Marshanda juga berharap bahwa sang ayah akan mengingatnya dan tersenyum kembali.
Ia juga menyampaikan terima kasih karena sang ayah telah hadir di lima tahun pertama di kehidupannya.
"However you are. Know, you are forgiven. You’re doing your best every single time. Don’t ever feel like a failure. You’re not. You’re my dad. And I love you so much more than you know. I accept you.
With all your beauty and all your flaws. This moment i hope you feel this. And remember me. And smile again.
If forever is what it takes to remember you, than I say it’s ok. If having you means having you only in my memories, it is okay. I am grateful.
Thank you for spending the first five years of my life being the warm, funny, loving person that you were for me. Thank you.
For being born, for still being alive in your nonexistence in my life. I accept you. Your past. Your journey. Our story," lanjutnya.
Di akhir tulisannya, Marshanda berharap agar ayahnya bisa merasakan kebahagiaan setelah membaca surat tersebut.
"I hope my love gives you a bit of joy in another breath you take. After reading this letter I made for you," pungkas Marshanda.
( Rosada)