TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Marshanda dan Ariel Tatum ikut memperingati Hari Kesehatan Mental Sedunia (World Mental Health Day).
Marshanda dan Ariel Tatum sama-sama menyuarakan soal pentingnya kesehatan mental.
Bahkan, keduanya memang sejak lama sudah sadar akan pentingnya hal ini.
Melalui unggahan di masing-masing Instagramnya, Sabtu (10/10/2020), Marshanda dan Ariel Tatum saling membagikan pengalaman soal kesehatan mental.
Dimulai dari Marshanda yang menyuarakan soal tak masalah jika mengekspresikan suasana hati.
Jujur dengan kondisi yang dialami diri sendiri menurutnya lebih baik daripada harus berpura-pura.
Baca: Marshanda dan Ariel Tatum Peduli soal Kesehatan Mental, Begini Isi Suara Hatinya
Begini suara hati Marshanda:
You know, sometimes you just need to stop “growing” and start feeling the anger, the wounds, and all that is not right that have happened to you.
You can never be a hero, by pretending to play big and wise all the time.
Step into the battlefield, face the sword hurting your skin and stabbing through your heart.
No one can win the war without ever fighting in it with real wounds and real tears.
Accept the loss. Accept the imperfection. Accept that hideous part of you. Of your life.
First. Only then will the door be opened to the so called stage of “moving on”.
What do I do on this so called World Mental Health Day?