TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut chord gitar dan lirik lagu Imagine yang dinyanyikan oleh John Lennon.
Imagine dirilis pada Oktober 1971 di Amerika Serikat, dan pada 1975 di Inggris.
Lagu Imagine memilik genre soft rock dan pop
Imagine ditulis oleh John Lennon dan Yoko Ono.
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Chord Imagine - John Lennon
C Em/C F
C Em/C F
[Verse 1]
C Em/C F
Imagine there's no Heaven
C Em/C F
It's easy if you try
C Em/C F
No hell below us
C Em/C F
Above us only sky
F Am Dm F
Imagine all the people
Living for today
[Verse 2]
C Em/C F
Imagine there's no countries
C Em/C F
It isn't hard to do
C Em/C F
Nothing to kill or die for
C Em/C F
And no religion too
F Am Dm F
Imagine all the people
G C G ( C = X32013 )
Living life in peace
F G C E E7
You may say I'm a dreamer
F G C E E7
But I'm not the only one
F G C E E7
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
[Verse 3]
C Em/C F
Imagine no possessions
C Em/C F
I wonder if you can
C Em/C F
No need for greed or hunger
C Em/C F
A brotherhood of man
F Am Dm F
Imagine all the people
G C G ( C = X32013 )
Sharing all the world
F G C E E7
You may say I'm a dreamer
F G C E E7
But I'm not the only one
F G C E E7
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one.
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