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Lirik Lagu

Lirik Lagu dan Terjemahan Courage - Celine Dion: In Conversations That'll Never End

Penulis: Gabriella Gunatyas
Editor: Ayu Miftakhul Husna

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Inilah lirik lagu dan terjemahan Courage yang dipopulerkan oleh Celine Dion.

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut lirik lagu Courage yang dipopulerkan oleh penyanyi berkebangsaan Kanada, Celine Dion.

Lagu Courage dirilis pada 15 November 2019 saat Celine Dion berada dalam naungan Columbia lebel.

Diketahui Courage adalah lagu petama yang dirilis oleh Celine Dion sejak suami sekaligus menajernya, Rene Angelil meninggal dunia pada tahun 2016 silam.

Baca juga: Lirik Lagu dan Terjemahan Welcome to MY World - aespa feat nævis: Its A New World

Simak lirik lagu dan terjemahan Courage yang dinyanyikan oleh Celine Dion dalam artikel berikut:


I would be lying if I said I'm fine
I think of you at least a hundred times
Cause in the echo of my voice I hear your words
Just like you’re there

I still come home from a long day
So much to talk about so much to say
I love to think that we're still making plans
In conversations that'll never end
In conversations that'll never end

Don't you dare fail me now
I need you to keep away the doubts
I'm staring in the face of something new
You’re all I got to hold on to
So courage
Don't you dare fail me now

Not one to hide from the truth I know
It’s out of my hands but I won't let you go
There’s no replacing the way you touched me
I still feel the rush

Sometimes it drowns me until I can’t breath
Thinking it’s only in our memories
But then I talk to you like I did then
In conversations that will never end

Don't you dare fail me now
I need you to keep away the doubts
I'm staring in the face of something new
You’re all I got to hold on to
So courage
Don't you dare fail me now

Cause it’s not easy
When you’re not with me
This world of madness
Goes faster now
And it's a train wreck
But I won’t crash yet
Long as your echo
Never fades out

Courage don't you dare fail me now

Cause it’s not easy
When you’re not with me
This world of madness
Goes faster now
And it's a train wreck
But I won’t crash yet
Long as your echo
Never fades out

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