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Chord Gitar Lagu Am I Bothering You - Reality Club: Now I'm Bothering You, It's Bothering Me

Penulis: Enggar Kusuma Wardani
Editor: Ayu Miftakhul Husna

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Video lirik Am I Bothering You - Reality Club. Terdapat petikan lirik Now I'm bothering you, it's bothering me What can I do? What should I do?.

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Inilah chord lagu Am I Bothering You yang dinyanyikan oleh Reality Club.

Gup band indie asal Indonesia, Reality Club merilis lagu Am I Bothering You pada Mei 2023.

Lagu Am I Bothering You termuat dalam album Reality Club yang bertajuk Reality Club Presents.

Diketahui, video lirik lagu Am I Bothering You telah diunggah di kanal YouTube Reality Club pada 26 Mei 2023.

Dalam lagu Am I Bothering You terdapat petikan lirik "Now I'm bothering you, it's bothering me What can I do? What should I do?".

Untuk memainkannya, simak chord lagu Am I Bothering You - Reality Club yang dimulai dari kunci A.

Baca juga: Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Love Epiphany - Reality Club: Were All Just Looking to Connect

Chord Lagu Am I Bothering You - Reality Club

[Intro] A*
A F#m D Dm (2x)

[Verse 1]

A               F#m           D     Dm
We're both strangers to a miracle

A                    F#m               D   Dm
We've had our eyes locked for a while

A                               F#m                                 D          Dm
I've completed all the courses I need to understand my loneliness

A                                     F#m                         D     Dm
I've accepted that maybe we're meant for a different time


       D*                                       Dm
But then out of the blue, a spark or two seems to generate


        A                   F#m                D
Now I'm bothering you, it's bothering me

             Dm                        A
What can I do? What should I do?

A             F#m                     D
We're not too far, look where we are?

               Dm               A  A
Bothering me, bothering you

[Verse 2]

A              F#m                   D    Dm
W? fill our days with hypotheticals (ooh ooh)

A            F#m            D      Dm
Living vividly in our minds (ooh ooh)

A           F#m                      D     Dm
We take apart our dreams with heavy heart

A                                     F#m                     D  Dm
But I know that maybe we can start something right


    D*                                        Dm
But then out of the blue, a spark or two seems to generate


       A                   F#m                 D
Now I'm bothering you, it's bothering me

               Dm                       A
What can I do? What should I do?

A              F#m                      D
We're not too far, look where we are?

               Dm              A
Bothering me, bothering you

A               F#m                D
Lost in the sea, feel so complete

               Dm                            A
Love is a myth, depends who you're with

A             F#m              D   Dm
Bothering me, bothering you (ooh)

[Instrumental] A F#m D Dm (4x)


     D*                                       Dm*
But then out of the blue, a spark or two seems to generate

      D*                                                           Dm
And you with similar views, you know my heart did incinerate


       A*                 F#m*              D*
Now I'm bothering you, it's bothering me

              Dm*                      A
What can I do? What should I do?

A             F#m                     D
We're not too far, look where we are?

                 Dm                   A
Bothering me, bothering you

A              F#m                      D
Lost in the sea, feel so complete

              Dm                              A
Love is a myth, depends who you're with

A             F#m              D    Dm
Bothering me, bothering you (ooh)


A             F#m
(Ooh ooh, ooh ooh)

D             Dm
(Ooh ooh, ooh ooh)

A              F#m
(Ooh ooh, ooh ooh)

D              Dm
(Ooh ooh, ooh ooh)

( Kusuma)

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