TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Inilah pembaruan Mobile Legends Patch 1.7.98 yang telah berlangsung di Advanced Server.
Pembaruan Patch 1.7.98 baru akan menimpa server original dalam beberapa hari kedepan.
Meskipun demikian, para pemain Mobile Legends bisa mengetahui bocoran hero yang terdampak pembaruan Patch 1.7.98.
Baca juga: Inilah Pengertian Crowd Control di Mobile Legends, Lengkap 13 Jenis Efek CC
Mengutip laman Gamingonphone, ada 3 hero yang kekuatannya ditambah (Buff) yakni Aulus, Leomord hingga Natalia.
Kemudian ada 1 hero yang kekuatannya harus disesuaikan menimpa Miya dan Beatrix
- Nolan
Passive (↓)
Damage: 150 + 120 persen Total Physical Attack >> 120 + 100 persen Total Physical Attack
Skill 1 and 2 (↑)
Cooldown: 1.5s at all levels >> 1.5-1s (scales with level)
Energy Cost: 30 at all levels >> 35-25 (scales with level)
Ultimate (↑)
Damage: 100-200 + 15 persen Total Physical Attack >> 130-230 + 70% Extra Physical Attack
- Aulus (Buffed)
Skill 1 (↑)
Cooldown: 10s at all levels >> 16-14s (scales with level)
Duration: 3s >> 5s
New Effect – Frontal Damage Reduction: Every 10 Extra Physical Attack increases Damage Reduction by 1%, up to 60%.
Skill 2 (↑)
Cooldown: 10-5s >> 6s at all levels
HP Regen: 25-100 + 35% Extra Physical Attack >> 50-100
Attack Speed Boost: 200% at all levels >> 100%-200% (scales with level)
Ultimate (~)
Hammer Craft: 15% Lifesteal >> 15% Crit Chance
- Natalia (Buffed)
Passive (↓)
Initial Crit Damage: 140% >> 150%
Enhanced Basic Attack’s Damage: 200 + 130% Physical Attack >> 200 + 125% Physical Attack
Skill 1 (↑)
Damage: 185-260 + 40% Physical Attack >> 250-350 + 50% Physical Attack
Skill 2 (~)
Slow: 25%-50% >> 25%-75%