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Lebaran 2021

GAMBAR dan Tulisan Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri, Masih Ada Waktu Kirim ke Keluarga atau Teman

Penulis: Sri Juliati
Editor: Arif Fajar Nasucha

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Masih ada waktu untuk mengirimkan gambar dan ucapan tulisan Selamat Idul Fitri 2021 kepada keluarga atau teman

Selamat Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir batin.

12. Gema takbir berkumandang, mengumandangkan hari kemenangan

Bersama dengan pesan Lebaran nan fitri, semoga akan mempererat silaturrahmi.

Semoga di hari nan fitri diterima semua amalan

Selamat hari Lebaran, semua kesalahan mohon maafkan.

13. Ramadan membersihkan noda-noda dosa di dalam hati, telah tiba saat untuk meraih rahmat dan ampunannya.

Untuk sikap dan lisanku yang tak terjaga hingga menorehkan luka, mohon bukakanlah pintu maafmu yang sebesar-besarnya.

Selamat Idul Fitri 1442 H

14. Sucikan hati dengan zikir, cerahkan hati dengan fikir, teruslah bersyukur dengan menebar senyuman, dengan kerendahan hati saya mengucapkan selamat Lebaran 2021.

15. Mata kadang salah memandang, mulut sering menyakiti hati yang tak salah, hati sering salah berprasangka, sepenuh hati menghanturkan maaf, mengucapkan selamat Lebaran 2021.

Minal Aidin Walfaizin, Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin.

16. Setelah sebulan penuh menahan hawa nafsu ujian dan cobaan, kini hati telah menjadi bersih, bahagia hadir tanpa syarat dan beban.

Dalam kerendahan hati saya mengucapkan mohon maaf lahir dan batin, selamat Idul Fitri 1442 H.

17. Tetap bahagia meski tak saling jumpa. Tetap bermaafan, meski tak salaman.

Selamat Idul Fitri 1442 H, mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

18. Maaf tidak kenal kadaluarsa

Meski saat ini kita tidak bisa bertatap muka dan saling bertegur sapa

Untuk Lebaran tahun ini, biar aksara yang berbicara.

Selamat Idul Fitri 1442 H, mohon maaf lahir batin,

Taqabbalallahu Minna Wa Minkum Wa Taqabbal ya Karim

19. Pintu langit yang terbuka akan memendarkan cahaya kepada bapak dan ibu, dengan janji Allah untuk surga

Untuk itu maafkanlah ananda, untuk semua perkataan yang tidak berkenan, untuk semua bantahan yang pernah terucapkan.

20. Selamat Idul Fitri 1442 H/2021

Tabbakallahu minna wa minkum, semoga masih diberikan kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan Ramadhan dan Idul Fitri tahun depan. Amin YRA.


21. As Ramadan passed

Comes the day of victory

I apologize for my mistakes

Wishing you a blessed eid al-fitr

22. Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Eid.

May Allah accept our good deeds, forgive our transgressions and ease the suffering of all people around the globe. Eid Mubarak.

23. Idul Fitri is the best ways for us to remember the past time.

If the last Idul Fitri we can meet each others, but this time we can not.

Although like that, our heart never separated, let me say Happy Idul Fitri.

24. May this beautiful occasion of eid gives you all the reasons to make your life even more beautiful. Wishing you a happy Eid day! Eid Mubarak!

25. Let this Eid be the occasion of sharing the love and caring for the people who need to be loved and cared. Eid Mubarak to all!

26. Wishing you a very happy Eid Mubarak. Cherish every moment of this beautiful festival and know that all your dreams will come true soon. Eid Mubarak!

27. Idul Fitri is not the end of our story to be better in this world.

So, let this time guide us to see the right way to be better. Happy Eid.

28. Wish you and your family the blessings of Allah, the kindness of Allah and help of Allah on this day of Eid. Eid Mubarak!

29. When moon of Eid arises it makes all of us so happy and excited.

May all of your times be full of such an amusing excitement and happiness. Happy Eid Day!

30. "Eid is a wonderful and nice day to Pray, Care, Love, Smile and Celebrate with one another and to thank Allah for giving us this wonderful day. Eid Mubarak!"

31. May Allah open the doors of happiness and prosperity for you. Eid Mubarak to you and your family. Enjoy a blessed time during this Eid.

32. This is the day when we should pay gratitude to the divine light for all the wonderful things around us. Eid Mubarak!

33. I wish you and your family a very joyful Eid. May Allah accept all your prayers and forgive all your faults. Eid Mubarak!

34. Know that Allah is always with you to help you at every step of the way. Eid Mubarak!

35. Before we ask for happiness and prosperity, we should ask for mercy. May Allah shower his mercy on us. Eid Mubarak!

36. Eid is a time to amend, forgive and reflect. May Allah grant you wisdom and kindness.

37. Happy Eid Mubarak! Wishing everyone happy holidays, stay safe and pray to your Almighty.

38. May Allah guide you on the right path and help you whenever you ask for His advice. Eid Mubarak.

39. May Allah place the mercy upon all the Muslims all around the world on this happy occasion of Eid! Eid Mubarak to everyone celebrating!

40. May you find a million reason to make your life more beautiful on this day. May the joy of Eid be multiplied a thousand times and stay with you forever. Eid Mubarak!



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( Juliati)

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