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Chord Gitar

Kunci Gitar December - Neck Deep, Chord D: I Hope You Get Your Ballroom Floor

Penulis: Ifan RiskyAnugera
Editor: Yurika NendriNovianingsih

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Kunci gitar lagu December yang dipopulerkan oleh grup band Neck Deep.

Stumbled 'round the block a thousand times

You missed every call that I had tried, so now I'm giving up

A heartbreak in mid December

You don't give a fuck, you never remember me

While you're pulling on his jeans

Getting lost in the big city

I was looking out our window

Watching all the cars go, wondering if I'll see Chicago

Or a sunset on the West-Coast

Or will I die in the cold

Feeling blue and alone

I wonder if you'll ever hear this song on your stereo


I hope you get your ballroom floor

Your perfect house with rose-red doors

I'm the last thing you remember

I's been a long lonely December

I wish I'd known that less is more

But I was passed out on the floor

And that's the last thing I remember

It's been a long lonely December


Cast me aside to show yourself in a better light

I came out grieving, barely breathing and you came out alright

But I'm sure you'll take his hand

I hope he's better than I ever could've been

My mistakes were not intentions

This is a list of my confessions I couldn't say

Pain is never permanent, but tonight it's killing me


hope you get your ballroom floor

Your perfect house with rose-red doors

I'm the last thing you remember

I's been a long lonely December

I wish I'd known that less is more

But I was passed out on the floor

And that's the last thing I remember

It's been a long lonely December


I miss your face, you're in my head

There's so many things that I should've said

A year of suffering, a lesson learned

I miss your face, you're in my head

There's so many things that I should've said

A year of suffering, a lesson learned

Kembali ke Reff

December merupakan lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh grup band Neck Deep.



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