(I found guidance, friendship, discipline and love, everything, in one person. And that person is you. Happy Teacher’s Day).
12. Guru terbaik tidak memberimu jawaban, tetapi mereka memicu keinginan untuk menemukan jawabannya sendiri. Selamat Hari Guru!
(The best teachers don’t give you the answer, but they spark within you the desire to find the answer yourself. Happy Teacher's Day!)
13. Aku beruntung memiliki guru sehebat Engkau. Semoga Engkau Hari Guru-mu penuh dengan momen yang menggembirakan!
(I was lucky to have a teacher as wonderful as you are. Wishing you a Teacher’s Day that’s full of joyous moments!)
14. Thank you for being an amazing mentor, Happy Teachers Day!
(Terima kasih telah menjadi mentor yang luar biasa, selamat Hari Guru!)
15. Kepada guru terhebat dunia, Selamat Hari Guru! Terimakasih untuk segalanya!
(To the world’s greatest teacher, Happy Teachers Day! Thank you for everything!)
(Tribunnews.com/Widya) (Banjarmasinpost.co.id/Noor Masrida)