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Piala Dunia U20

Isi Surat FIFA Terkait Indonesia Batal Jadi Tuan Rumah Piala Dunia U-20, Ini Alasannya

Penulis: Muhammad Alvian Fakka
Editor: Daryono

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Surat FIFA terkait Indonesia Batal jadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia U-20 - Simak isi surat FIFA terkait Indonesia Batal jadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia U-20, diputuskan usai pertemuan Presiden FIFA dan Ketua Umum PSSI di Doha.

FIFA removes Indonesia as host of FIFA U-20 World Cup 2023™

Following today’s meeting between FIFA President Gianni Infantino and President of the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) Erick Thohir, FIFA has decided, due to the current circumstances, to remove Indonesia as the host of the FIFA U-20 World Cup 2023™.

A new host will be announced as soon as possible, with the dates of the tournament currently remaining unchanged.

Potential sanctions against the PSSI may also be decided at a later stage.

FIFA would like to underline that despite this decision, it remains committed to actively assisting the PSSI, in close cooperation and with the support of the government of President Widodo, in the transformation process of Indonesian football following the tragedy that occurred in October 2022.

Members of the FIFA team will continue to be present in Indonesia in the coming months and will provide the required assistance to the PSSI, under the leadership of President Thohir.

A new meeting between the FIFA President and the PSSI President for further discussions will be scheduled shortly.

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Berdasarkan surat resmi dari FIFA tersebut, FIFA memutuskan pembatalan Indonesia Batal jadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia U-20.

Hal itu diputuskan usai pertemuan Presiden FIFA, Gianni Infantino dan Ketua PSSI, Erick Thohir bertemu di Doha, Qatar pada Rabu (29/3/2023).

"Setelah pertemuan antara Presiden FIFA, Gianni Infantino dan Ketua PSSI, Erick Thohir, FIFA telah memutuskan lantaran kondisi saat ini sehingga Indonesia dicabut sebagai tuan rumah Piala Dunia U20 2023," demikian jelas tertulis dalam surat tersebut.

Informasi terkait tuan rumah baru, FIFA akan mengumumkan secepatnya.

Kendati demikian, soal waktu penyelenggarannya diputuskan belum akan ada perubahan.

Dari surat itu FIFA juga kemungkinan akan memberikan sanksi kepada Indonesia pasca pencabutan sebagai tuan rumah Piala Dunia U20 2023.

"Pertemuan akan kembali digelar antara Presiden FIFA dan Ketua PSSI untuk diskusi lebih lanjut dan akan dijadwalkan kembali dalam waktu dekat," pungkasnya.

( Alvian Fakka)

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