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Soal PAS, UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 dengan Kunci Jawaban

Penulis: Ifan RiskyAnugera
Editor: Sri Juliati

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Contoh soal-soal Bahasa Inggris Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) atau Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) 2 untuk siswa kelas 4 SD.

a. beautiful

b. ten old

c. a student

d. kind

Jawab :b

8. The correct sentence is . . . . 

a. Let is go surfing

b. Let go surfing

c. Let us going surfing

d. Let us go surfing

Jawab : c

9. July is the . . . month of the year.

a. twelfth

b. third

c. seventh

d. eighth

Jawab : c

10. sister – in – the office – Indah’s – works
The correct sentence is ....

a. Sister in the office Indah’s works

b. Sister works in the office Indah’s

c. Indah’s sister works in the office

d. The office works sister in Indah’s

Jawab :c

Baca juga: Contoh Soal PAS/UAS Matematika Kelas 7 SMP Semester 2, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

11. Every year, On the 2nd of May, we celebrate . . . . 

a. christmas

b. Mr. Chandra’s birthday

c. National Education Day

d. Independence Day

Jawab : c

12. Nia: “Let’s go shopping in the mall.”

Andi: “I am . . ., I prefer relaxing in the park.” 

a. sorry

b. okay

c. let’s go

d. fine

Jawab : a

13. What . . . is it today? It is June the third. 

a. week

b. date

c. year

d. month

Jawab : b

14. We can do these in the mountain, except . . . . 

a. surfing

b. relaxing

c. hiking

d. camping

Jawab : a

15. I go to the bathroom and …

a. have dinner

b. water the flowers

c. read a book

d. brush my teeth

Jawab :d

16. Yuda is in the living room
She can not ….

a. watch TV

b. read a book

c. play puzzle

d. play football

Jawab :d

17. Gemini: What can you do in the bedroom?
Fourth: I can ….

a. play badminton

b. draw a scenery

c. cook noodle

d. boil water

Jawab :b

18. Sarah and Jasmine are in the bedroom
They can not ….

a. take a rest

b. take a bath

c. study english

d. read a story book

Jawab :b

Baca juga: Soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 dengan Kunci Jawaban Penilaian Akhir Sekolah

19. Billy is eighteen years old. We can say that Billy is .... boy

a. baby

b. child

c. adult

d. adolescent

Jawab :d

20. Our parents are ....

a. father and mother

b. brother and sister

c. grandfather and grandmother

d. son and daugther

Jawab :a

21. The second month of the year is . . . . 

a. February

b. December

c. August

d. January

Jawab : a

22. My father has a father. He is my ....

a. grandfather

b. son

c. uncle

d. niece

Jawab :a

23. What time does Yudi go to bed?
He goes to bed at 22.15.

a. quarter past eleven

b. quarter to ten

c. quarter to eleven

d. quarter past ten

Jawab :d

24. Where is Daniel’s house?

a. new

b. good

c. very big

d. on Lawu street

Jawab :d

25. Felicia : .... is your telephone number?
Diandra : It is 081 123 456 789

a. where

b. when

c. what

d. who

Jawab :c


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