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Hari Anak Nasional

50 Ucapan Hari Anak Nasional 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris, Cocok Dibagikan di Media Sosial

Penulis: Muhammad Alvian Fakka
Editor: Suci BangunDS

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Ilustrasi Anak Sehat dan Bebas dari Diskriminasi. - Inilah 50 ucapan selamat Hari Anak Nasional 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris, dapat dibagikan di media sosial sebagai cara merayakannya pada 23 Juli 2023.

22. Dear children! A smile of yours can show heaven on earth. A twinkle of your eyes can still us for ages. Happy children’s day 2023. God Bless.

23. All our sacrifices and hard works are for making this world a beautiful place for you. You are everything to us. Happy children’s day 2023 my dear.

24. Do not educate children to be rich. Educate them to be happy so that when they grow up, they will know the value of things and not just the price.

25. Nothing will make us happier than watching you grow up to be an even better human being than we are. All the good wishes to you on this day.

26. The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. Happy Children’s Day 2023.

27. Wishing all the amazing children of this world a Children’s Day 2023 celebration that is as beautiful as they are. We love you all. I hope you never forget that.

28. Such a treasure your precious child is, Who will thrive on every hug and kiss. Hold them close and sing them songs; they will only be a child for so long. Happy Children’s Day 2023.

29. We feel incredibly grateful and delighted when we see you. May you always be surrounded by joy. Cheers to children!

29. Greetings for Children’s Day 2023. I want you to wake up each day with a grin on your face and joy in your heart.

30. Every little grin on your face reminds us of the eternal delight of being your parents. This day’s charm and happiness are all for you. Greetings on Children’s Day 2023!

31. I appreciate everything that you have brought to our lives. Enjoy a great Children’s Day, baby.

32. The Lord has blessed us to have you as one of our children. I hope we can help you grow and become a better person. We adore you a lot—Dear, Happy Children’s Day 2023.

33. You are the most priceless gift I could have ever hoped for. I appreciate you making my life worthwhile greetings on Children’s Day, my love. I adore you a lot.

34. All our efforts and sacrifices are directed toward making this planet an excellent place for you. To us, you are everything. My darling, happy children’s day 2023!

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