- ‘Pempek’ is served with ‘cuko’.
- Cuko is made of brown sugar, chilly, garlic, tamarind, and salt.
- It is made of fish and tapioca starch.
- Fish, tapioca starch, and water are mixed to make thick dough.
- In different shapes and sizes, the dough is boiled until it floats.
- The cooked ‘pempek’ is then deep-fried
Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 139 Semester 2, Chapter 7: Reflecting
4. Eight facts about ‘kerupuk’ stated by Beni.
- ‘Kerupuk’ is shaped in thin pieces.
- ‘Kerupuk’ are very crunchy crackers
- Very dry ‘kerupuk’ is deep-fried in hot cooking oil.
- The pieces of ‘kerupuk’ are dried under the sun until it is completely dry and hard.
- Different kinds of crackers are easily found everywhere in Indonesia.
- Some kinds of ‘kerupuk’ are fried in very hot sand.
- It is made of tapioca starch.
- It is flavoured with fish, shrimp, or garlic.
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(Tribunnews.com/Enggar Kusuma)