Statements: Sina-Spritz
2. Name of drug
Available? Yes
Statements: Instant Hand Degermer
3. Description
Available? Yes
Statements: Kills ninety nine point ninety nine percents of E. coli, Salmonella enterica and Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in fifteen seconds.
4. Content/Amount
Available? Yes
Statements: four fluid ounce or one hundred eighteen milliliters
5. Use(s)
Available? Yes
Statements: Enhanced with moisturizers
6. Directions to use and dosage
Available? No
Statements: -
7. Directions to store
Available? Yes
- It is danger warning because it is flammable
- Keep out of reach of children
- Keep away from fire or flame
- It is for external use only
8. Expiration date
Available? No
Statements: -
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