7. The hijeckers finally surrender to the police but they have three demandsto fulfill.
8. One may not betray his/her own country. If s/he does that , s/he shouldget a harsh punishment.
9. After a long investigation, he was declared that she was innocent.
10. The man got four years’ imprisonment for assaulting a police officer. The punishment was given to make him feel a deep regret for having done such a cruel behavior.
11. Upon returning back from a long journey to Europe, she reclaimed her ownership of the pretty house next to the lake.
12. He died as a martyr in the war againts Dutch colonization.
Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Tema 5 Kelas 6 Halaman 29 30 Subtema 1, Teks Petunjuk dan Formulir, Pembelajaran 3
13. “No more tears!” she said to herself after realizing that the man she loves and she expects to come back was a bandit.
14. He can’t resist the temptation to pickpocket every time she is in the mall.
15. As an exile, she cannot return back to her own town.
Lengkapi kalimat berikut menggunakan kata-kata di dalam kotak.
Jika diperlukan, Anda dapat mengubah bagian-bagian pembicaraan.
1. Seorang pria yang ditangkap di Belarus pada 31 Mei didakwa dengan (pengkhianatan), tetapi pejabat pemerintah belum menjelaskan tuduhan tersebut.
Baca juga: 35 Contoh Soal STJ PPPK Guru 2023 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban