TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut ini contoh soal Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) atau Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) untuk siswa kelas 12 pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris semester 2.
Contoh soal PTS, UTS untuk kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris yang disajikan dalam artikel ini terdiri dari 20 soal pilihan ganda.
Soal PTS, UTS untuk kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris tersebut juga disertai dengan kunci jawaban.
Soal dan kunci jawaban PTS, UTS kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris ini disediakan sebagai panduan bagi orang tua dalam mendampingi proses belajar anak.
Disarankan agar siswa mengerjakan soal PTS, UTS kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris ini terlebih dahulu sebelum melihat kunci jawabannya. tidak bertanggung jawab atas ketidakakuratan jawaban pada contoh soal PTS, UTS ini.
Contoh Soal PTS, UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2
A. Berilah tanda silang (x) didepan huruf a,b atau c didepan jawaban yang benar !
1. Sharks are marine animals ___________________ at the top of the ocean’s food chain for million of years.
a. That have lived
b. Which have lived
c. When have lived
d. that lived
e. where have lived
Jawaban: a
Baca juga: 20 Contoh Soal PTS, UTS Bahasa Jawa Kelas 2 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban
2. To lead a well balanced life, you need to have other interest _________ studying.
a. And
b. Besides
c. On
d. beside
e. between
Jawaban: b
3. The ballot box _____________ by an opposition in order to avoid being eliminated.
a. Might be stolen
b. Might steal
c. Would be stolen
d. might have been stolen
e. will steal
Jawaban: d
Mr. and Mrs. Jones come home from office at 6:00 every afternoon. Because they were gone all day, their dog Cody was happy to see them. He ran around and around them. He even jumped up and down. Mr. Jones and Cody took a walk together while Mrs. Jones made dinner. They ate a nice meal. Cody even got a special treat. After dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Jones sat down to watch TV. Cody sat down next to them. Mrs. Jones patted Cody and they all looked happy.