Q: Give two reasons why people believe that graffiti is vandalism.
A: - Graffiti are made illegal, as in homes or shops where people do not want them done.
- The government claims that these graffiti artists are drawing on private property.
Q: For and against are antonyms, give two antonyms for “create”?
A: Destroyed, broke.
Q: Write one expression to show that you agree with someone’s opinion.
A: Yes that true, I hold the same opinion.
Q: What are three parts of expository text?
A: Introduction, point, conclusion.
Q: Write two sentences that indicate you dislike graffiti.
A: -Grafiti make the city dirty.
-Graffiti link to anti social behaviour and gang culture.
Q: Why do you think people do graffiti in public places?
A: They want to spread important social messages that they want people to know it.
B. Publikasikan Tulisan Anda
Buat perubahan yang diperlukan dalam tulisan Anda berdasarkan saran teman sekelas Anda.
Serahkan karya Anda untuk ditinjau oleh guru Anda.
Anda dapat mempublikasikan tulisan Anda di media pilihan Anda.
Ulasan Bab
T: Apa pendapat Anda tentang grafiti?
J: Graffiti adalah bentuk Seni dengan banyak kontroversi di sekitarnya. Beberapa orang menganggapnya sebagai seni jalanan yang hanya dilakukan untuk vandalisme.