TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut kunci jawaban mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggirs kelas 10 SMA/SMK/MA halaman 90 Kurikulum Merdeka.
Pada materi pembahasan mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA halaman 90, siswa akan membahas tentang teks prosedur.
Sebelum mengerjakan, siswa diminta mengulas kembali materi teks prosedur yang telah didapatkan sebelumnya.
Mengacu materi tersebut, siswa akan mengerjakan latihan soal yang ada pada halaman 90 dalam kolom Write and Check.
Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA halaman 90 Kurikulum Merdeka:
Task 7
A. Write and Check
Write a simple procedure text on how to eat healthily to maintain your health based on the draft you have prepared.
Tips for Overcoming Student Anxiety While Studying at School
Create a pleasant learning atmosphere.
Learning can be fun if it departs from the potential, interests and needs of students. Therefore, the learning strategy used should be student-centered, which allows students to express themselves and can take an active role in the learning process.
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Develop a “sense of humor”
During learning activities the teacher should be able to develop a “sense of humor” for himself and his students. However, jokes or “jokes” that are made must still be based on ethics and not corner students.
Learning outside the classroom