"All glory be to God for His perfect grace.
Today on December 25, 2020 our first daughter is born.
Please welcome,
Chloe Emmanuelle Van Wattimena
(Means She who shines because God is with her)
3,34 kg 48 cm
We’d like to thank our families and friends for praying with us and sharing this joy.
May God bless you all.
Jonas Rivanno & Asmirandah," tulis Asmirandah.
Terkait kabar bahagia ini, sejumlah rekan artis memberikan ucapan untuk kelahiran Chlo.
Mulai dari Irish Bella dan Audi Marissa hingga Chelsea Olivia.
Berikut sederet ucapan untuk Asmirandah dan Jonas Rivanno:
@_irishbella_: Welcome yo the world baby chloee
@audimarissa: Congrats kaaaaa!!! OMG aku ikut terharu