20 Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Arab, dan Inggris
Simak 20 ucapan selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1441H dalam bahasa Indonesia, Arab dan Inggris yang cocok dikirim lewat WhatsApp.
Penulis: Whiesa Daniswara
Editor: Ayu Miftakhul Husna
![20 Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Arab, dan Inggris](https://asset-2.tstatic.net/tribunnews/foto/bank/images/grafis-idul-fitri-2020.jpg)
3. Semoga Tuhan melimpahkan keberkahan kepadamu di Idul Fitri ini!
.لتنزل عليكم بركات الله في عيد الفطر هذا
Litanzil ‘alaykum barakat Allah fi Eid al-Fitr hatha.
May God’s blessings be showered on you on this Eid al-Fitr.
4. Semoga Anda tetap bisa merayakan Idul Fitri setiap tahunnya!
!كل عام وانتم بخير. عيد مبارك
Kul ‘am wa-antum bi-khayr. Eid Mubarak!
May you celebrate this every year. Blessed Eid!
5. Dengan semua cinta, berkat, dan kedamaian di hari yang penuh kegembiraan ini, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri!
.مع كل الحب، البركات، والسلام في هذا اليوم المجيد. عيد فطر سعيد
Ma‘ kull al-hubb, al-barakat, wa-l-salam fi hatha al-yawm al-majid. Eid Fitr sa‘id!
With all the love, blessings, and peace on this joyous day. Happy Eid al-Fitr.
Baca: 30 Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 2020 Berbahasa Indonesia & Inggris, Cocok untuk Status Medsos
Baca: 40 Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 2020 Bahasa Inggris, Indonesia, Arab hingga Puitis, untuk Status SosMed
Bahasa Inggris :
1. May this special day bring peace, happiness and prosperity to everyone. Eid Mubarak!
May the magic of this Eid bring lots of happiness in your life and may you celebrate it with all your close friends & may it fill your heart with wonders. Eid Mubarak
2. Eid Mubarak to you and your loved ones! May God accept our prayers, good deeds and sacrifices and shower us with his holy blessings.
3. May every moment of this Eid brings you closer to Allah (SWT) and gets you rewarded for your deeds! Eid Mubarak.
4. Eid Mubarak to you and your family.
May the Almighty accept your prayers and bless you with the rewards of Ramadan.
Have a safe Eid!
5. You can bring a smile on face even when I am feeling sad.
A friend like is a treasure to keep forever.
May Allah shower his blessings on you.
Eid Mubarak dear!
(Tribunnews.com/Whiesa/Miftah/Chrysna, TribunAmbon/Fitriana)
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