Bacaan Doa Akhir Tahun 2021 dan Doa Awal Tahun 2022, Lengkap dengan Lafal Latin-Arti
Inilah bacaan doa akhir tahun 2021 dan doa awal tahun 2022. Doa awal tahun dan akhir tahun ini dilengkapi lafal latin dan artinya.
Penulis: Sri Juliati
Editor: Wahyu Gilang Putranto

19. Hidup adalah kesempatan yang harus di ambil, jalan yang harus dilalui, dan teka-teki yang harus dipecahkan. Selamat memulai tantangan baru di Tahun Baru ini!
20. Jangan pernah menyerah dan temukanlah ribuan alasan untuk tetap berjuang menyambut awal yang baru, dan jangan lupa untuk menjadikan hidupmu lebih bermakna dan bermanfaat di tahun ini. Selamat Tahun Baru 2022.
Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2022 Bahasa Inggris
21. I wish that 2022 provides you lovely moments to cherish and to keep on your heart to make wonderful memories that you want to appear back upon every now and then.
22. Hoping your coffee cup remains complete, along with the year to come is full of good memories.
23. Wishing you the happiest of New Years.
24. My wish for you is that you're healthy, happy, and full of joy in the upcoming year.
25. Happy New Year to you and your family! Wishing you 365 days of good luck!
26. May your ventures are prosperous, your blessings be many, and you have the best new year ever.
27. May the street bend to satisfy you personally, sunlight glow to greet you personally, and blessings always warm your heart.
28. May optimism fulfill your spirit and warm your soul during the new year.
29. May your own fondness for me personally to grow each year exponentially. A Great Deal of love. Happy New Year!
30. May the joys of the New Year today, tomorrow and forever. Happy New Year!
31. Wishing you a year full of blessing and filled with a new adventure. Happy new year 2022!
32. I hope this year turns out to be the best year of your life and your family too. Happy new year!
33. May this new year bring you much joy and fun. May you find peace, love, and success. Sending my heartiest new year wish for you!
34. I hope that the new year will be the best year of your life. May all your dreams come true and all your hopes be fulfilled!
35. Happy new year to all! May every wish of yours get fulfilled in the upcoming year.
36. Praying that you have a truly remarkable and blissful year ahead! Happy new year to you and your family!
37. Happy New Year to you! May the upcoming year bring you holy blessings and peace!
38. Happy new year, my love. I hope that each of my remaining years starts and ends with you.
39. I wish you and your beautiful family a very happy and prosperous new year. Stay safe and beat the Pandemic with new energy.
40. I love you more today than I loved you yesterday. And I will love you more tomorrow than I love you today. Happy New Year, My Love!
Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2022 dalam Gambar










( Juliati)