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Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Feeling Lucky - BIBI feat Jackson Wang: I Say Goodbye and Turn Around

Berikut ini lirik lagu beserta artinya Feeling Lucky, yang dinyanyikan BIBI feat Jackson Wang.

Penulis: Andari Wulan Nugrahani
Editor: Yurika NendriNovianingsih
zoom-in Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Feeling Lucky - BIBI feat Jackson Wang: I Say Goodbye and Turn Around
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Berikut ini lirik lagu beserta artinya Feeling Lucky, yang dinyanyikan BIBI feat Jackson Wang. 
- transpose +

Something about the way that it taste

You're running your mouth at a dangerous race

You know what to do and you know what to say

Even when you'rе away, I'm always thinking 'bout you

[Chorus: Jackson Wang & BIBI]

The way you think about me

I think about you, I do, it's true

I think about you

Thе way you think about me

I think about you, I do it's true

[Bridge: Jackson Wang & BIBI]

I knew that you were worth it

I can feel you when you're gone

Tripping on your circuit

You're just like my favorite song

'Cause when it's all over and the tape won't run

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