Media Australia: Loser Prabowo Claims Victory on Indonesia
Mr Prabowo, who was backed by hardline Islamist groups, appeared at a mass gathering outside his campaign office in South Jakarta after Friday prayers
Editor: Ravianto
![Media Australia: Loser Prabowo Claims Victory on Indonesia](
TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Sebuah tulisan yang dimuat oleh salah satu media di Australia, The Australian, melansir Berita terkait klaim Capres nomor urut 02 Prabowo Subianto sebagai pemenang Pilpres 2019 kendati semua hitung cepat lembaga survei memenangkan Capres nomor urut 01 Jokowi.
Adapun Berita yang diturunkan the australian itu diberi judul Loser Prabowo claims victory on Indonesia, Anda bisa langsung mengaksesnya.
Berikut isi naskah pada Berita yang memuat Prabowo tersebut.
- Loser Prabowo claims victory on Indonesia -
Indonesia’s defeated presidential challenger Prabowo Subianto continued to insist he was the rightful winner of Wednesday’s bitterly fought elections yesterday, two days after early poll counts showed incumbent Joko “Jokowi” Widodo had been re-elected with a double-digit margin.
Mr Prabowo, who was backed by hardline Islamist groups, appeared at a mass gathering outside his campaign office in South Jakarta after Friday prayers to again claim the presidency and attack the credibility of pollsters who near universally found Jokowi had won.
While official results will not be released until late next month, all credible quick count surveys — which compile samples of open counting at the polling stations and are historically accurate to within 1 per cent — show Jokowi won by a margin of about 10 per cent.
Speaking on a street stage to several thousand supporters, the 67-year-old Suharto-era general said: “This is the victory for all the people. The Indonesian people have awoken … they no longer want to be lied to.
“Do you believe the pollsters?”
“No,” they shouted.
“Hey liars, people don’t believe you. We will not accept any effort to deny what is rightfully ours but we will always do things according to the constitution,” he said.
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