35 Ucapan Selamat Hari Buruh atau May Day 1 Mei Cocok untuk Update Status di WA, FB dan IG
Berikut 35 ucapan selamat Hari Buruh atau May Day 2020 yang cocok untuk update status di WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, atau media sosial lainnya
Penulis: Arif Fajar Nasucha
Editor: Facundo Chrysnha Pradipha

20. Setiap warga negara memiliki peran tersendiri untuk negara ini. Termasuk para buruh. Selamat Hari Buruh 1 Mei 2020.

21. Hands to hands, we join, we raise our voices, for our rights, to want we give in our work, we have the right to make our own choices.
22. Your hard work and your dedication have helped to build the nation May you have a great time ahead Happy Labor Day.
23. A very Happy Labour Day to you. Never hesitate from working hard as that is the surest key to success
24. Success comes to those who work hard for it and on the occasion of Labour Day, sending across warm wishes to all the hard working people.
25. You have the power to change this world if you have the power to work with commitment and dedication. Happy Labour Day.
26. May day is the day to salute the hard work and dedication of strong willed souls around us... Wishing them a very Blessed May Day
27. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.
28. With hard work comes great satisfaction. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend.
29. I wish all people living in world, Happy May Day On this May Day, lets unite Happy May Day.
30. May all your work succeed and may you find and do good and as a result get promoted, respected and prospered every day of your labored life.
31. Labour Day is for all, even if you are a man, you have to celebrate it.
32. Always be a hard working soul as nothing good comes easy in life…. So make the best of your efforts to achieve your goals…. Happy May Day!!!
33. Wishing a blessed and Happy Labour Day to you. If you will stay committed and dedicated towards your job, you are always going to shine bright in life.
34. There is just one thing in your hard and that is to work hard and rest everything will be taken care of. Happy Labour Day.
35. Wishing a very Happy Labour Day to you my dear. The only promise you must make yourself today is to never give up on your efforts.
(Tribunnews.com/Fajar/Sri Juliati)