Contoh Soal Ujian Sekolah, USP Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9, Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawabannya
Simak inilah 20 contoh soal Ujian Sekolah atau Ujian Satuan Pendidikan (USP) Bahasa Inggris kelas 9, lengkap beserta kunci jawabannya.
Penulis: Pondra Puger Tetuko
Editor: Arif Fajar Nasucha

Cover Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX
Simak inilah 30 contoh soal Ujian Sekolah atau Ujian Satuan Pendidikan (USP) Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP
Read the text and answer questions 6-8.
From : +0829589400
To : Lita
Sorry Honey, I can’t keep my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. I have to meet my friend (Mrs. Cathy) at Please don’t be angry.
6. Who sends the message?
Berita Rekomendasi
a. Lita
b. Lita’s mother
c. Mrs. Cathy
d. Mother’s friend
Jawaban: B
7. How is Lita’s mother feel about her promise?
a. Impressed
b. Confused
c. Guilty
d. Happy
Jawaban: C
8. Mom writes the message in order to …..
a. Apologize for not keeping the promise
b. Remind Lita that she has promise
c. Tell Lita that she has to go to the meeting
d. Say that she cannot meet her in the mall
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