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Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 71 72 Kurikulum Merdeka: Chapter Review

Berikut soal beserta kunci jawaban buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/SMK/MA halaman 71, 72 Kurikulum Merdeka.

Penulis: Linda Nur Dewi R
Editor: Wahyu Gilang Putranto
zoom-in Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 71 72 Kurikulum Merdeka: Chapter Review
Soal buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 Kurikulum Merdeka halaman 71 72 

Q: Why do you think people should pay attention to both mental
health and physical health?
A: because the two of both are important mental health make in peace and physical health make easy to move.

Q: What are the three parts of the procedure text?
A: three parts to procedure to read, hear, and understand.

Q: Write three words that can be used to signal steps when you
give some tips to do something.
A: Do, that, and try.

Q: Write two sentences that can be used as the introduction on how to stay healthy.
A: stay healthy we can achieve if we do exercise regularly.

To keep healthy inside we need to clear our mine and don’t over thinking.

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Kunci jawaban di atas hanya digunakan oleh orang tua dalam mendampingi proses belajar siswa.

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