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Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Kurikulum Merdeka Halaman 70-71, Chapter 1: Section 6 dan 7

Berikut Kunci jawaban buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Kurikulum Merdeka Halaman 70-71, Chapter 1: Section 6 dan 7

Penulis: Namira Yunia Lestanti
Editor: Suci BangunDS
zoom-in Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Kurikulum Merdeka Halaman 70-71, Chapter 1: Section 6 dan 7
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Kurikulum Merdeka Halaman 70-71, Chapter 1: Section 6 dan 7. 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Simak, berikut ini merupakan kunci jawaban buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Kurikulum Merdeka halaman 70-71.

Pada buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Kurikulum Merdeka halaman 70-71 terdapat soal pilihan ganda dan essay latihan Chapter 1.

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Berikut Kunci jawaban buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Kurikulum Merdeka Halaman 70-71, Chapter 1: Section 6 dan 7

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Kurikulum Merdeka halaman 70-71

Section 6


Worksheet 1.25

Bali Starling

Threats: Poaching for illegal songbird trade. This is made worse by habitat loss. •

Distribution: Northwest Bali, with a small population introduced onto the small island of Nusa Penida..

• Habitat: Forest edges including open shrub savannas and looded savanna woodlands. • Diet/Feeding: Seeds, insects, fruits and occasionally small reptiles.

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut Kelas 11 Halaman 164 Kurikulum Merdeka, Activity 1

• Social behaviour: They’re monogamous, so form long term pair-bond which are strengthened by mutual preening and displays.

• Males and females: There’s no obvious difference between males and females, although male crest feather tend to be slightly longer.

• Lifespan: 5 years in the wild, but can live for up to 15 years in captivity.

• Number of young: Clutches often have 2-3 eggs, but normally only 1 survives

• Interesting fact: The bali starling is the national bird of Bali. Nearly extinct in the wild, breeding and reintroduction programmes saved occurenc

Jawaban :

1. Point: Threats

Sentence: Poaching for illegal songbird trade is a threat for Bali Starlings.

2. Point: Distribution

Sentence: Bali Starlings are found in Bali and in a small island of Nusa Penida.

3. Point: Habitat

Sentence: Bali Starlings live in forest edges including open shrub savanas, and flooded savanna woodlands.

4. Point: Diet/Feeding

Sentence: Bali starlings eat seeds, insects, fruits, and occasionally small reptiles.

5. Point: Social behavior

Sentence: They’re monogamous, so form long term pair-bond which are strengthened by mutual preening and displays

6. Point: Males and females

Sentence: There’s no obvious difference between males and females, although male crest feather tend to be slightly longer

7. Point: Lifespan

Sentence: 5 years in the wild, but can live for up to 15 years in captivity

8. Point: Number of young

Sentence: Clutches often have 2-3 eggs, but normally only 1 survives

9. Point: Interesting fact

Sentence: The bali starling is the national bird of Bali. Nearly extinct in the wild, breeding and reintroduction programmes saved occurrences

Section 7 - Your Turn

Worksheet 1.26

Write a report text about a bird by following the steps below.

a. Planning and brainstorming

1. Observe birds around your neighborhood area.

2. Choose and observe one type of bird.

3. Make a general note about the bird

b.Outlining and drafting

Complete the fact ile about your selected bird. 

Jawaban :

Name of Bird: Columba Livia

What is it?: Pigeon

To what other species is it related?: It is related to doves and Pheasant

What does it look like?: It has round body and gray feather

Where does it live?: It can be seen in large city and sometimes it become a pest

How does it move?: It flies like any other species of bird

What does it eat?: It mainly eats leftover food from human and seed

Is it endangered?: No, it is not

What are its predators?: Natural predator of pigeon are monitor lizards, hawks, and human

c. Writing and editing

Write your draft of the report text based on the notes in 7a. Then, edit your draft.

Jawaban :

Pigeon or scientifically known as Columba Livia is a small rounded bird with gray feathers. Its relatives include doves and pheasants.

The pigeon can be easily found in a large city where it sometimes can turn into a pest.

Like any other bird, it moves by flying but it cannot soar since the body is not muscular.

Naturally, it eats seed but since it lives close to humans, it eats leftovers from human food.

This specific bird is not endangered so it is often hunted by humans.

Not just humans, it also became the food source to monitor lizards and hawks.

d. Proofreading

When you finish writing your report, show your work to a classmate. Let your classmate read your work and give you feedback on the language and content.

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  • Sebelum melihat kunci jawaban, siswa harus terlebih dahulu menjawabnya sendiri, setelah itu gunakan artikel ini untuk mengoreksi hasil pekerjaan siswa.

( Yunia Lestanti)

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