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20 Contoh Soal PTS, UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban

Inilah contoh soal Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) atau Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka.

Penulis: Andari Wulan Nugrahani
Editor: Tiara Shelavie
zoom-in 20 Contoh Soal PTS, UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban
Inilah contoh soal Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) atau Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka. 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Inilah contoh soal Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) atau Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka.

Contoh soal PTS, UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD ini, terdiri dari 20 soal pilihan ganda dengan kunci jawabannya.

Sebelum melihat kunci jawaban, ada baiknya siswa mencoba menjawab sendiri terlebih dahulu.

Setelah itu, siswa bisa mencocokkan jawaban yang ditulis dengan jawaban di bawah ini.

Contoh Soal PTS, UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban

Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, c atau d di depan jawaban yang paling benar !


The kids are enjoying the food and drinks.
They have plates of sandwiches, and slices of pizza.
Some children are eating a few fruits, like strawberries and oranges.
They also have small glasses of milk and some cans of soda.
Everyone is having a great time eating and drinking together.

1. What are the kids enjoying?
a. Playing games
b. Watching a movie
c. Food and drinks
d. Painting pictures


2. What food are they eating?
a. Sandwiches and pizza
b. Oranges and strawberries
c. Milk and soda
d. Oranges and sandwiches

3. What are the kids drinking from the small glasses?
a. Lemonade
b. Cold milk
c. Oranges juice
d. Hot chocolate

4. Aileen is eating a banana. Banana tastes. . .
a. Sweet
b. Sour
c. Bitter
d. Spicy

5. Limes dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya. . .
a. Pisang
b. Jeruk
c. Jeruk nipis
d. Nanas

6. Bitter dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya. . .
a. Manis
b. Asin
c. Pahit
d. Pedas

7. My mango tree is bearing many. . .
a. Foods
b. Fruits
c. Drinks
d. Dessert

8. Sweet sugar dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya. . .
a. Gula
b. Manis
c. Gula manis
d. Gula pedas

9. A scoop of ice cream. Indonesia is. . .
a. Satu gelas es krim
b. Satu piring es krim
c. Satu mangkuk es krim
d. Satu sendok ice cream

10 . Nathania is thirsty. She wants a. . .of orange juice.
a. Bottle
b. Glass
c. Cup
d. bow

11. Diva: Would you like a. . .pizza?
Lidia : Yes, I’d like a. . .pizza, please.
a. Slice
b. Loaf
c. Spoon
d. Scoop

12. I like. . .in the morning around my village.
a. Singing
b. Swimming
c. Fishing
d. Cycling

13. My family have breakfast at a quarter to seven. The underlined words means. . .
a. 07:15
b. 07:45
c. 06:15
d. 06:45

14. It is a quarter to eight. We can write. . .
a. 09:45
b. 08:15
c. 07:45
d. 08:45

15. Zahira likes playing piano. So her hobby is. . .
a. Playing music
b. Making piano
c. Selling piano
d. Playing kite

16. Do you like singing? No, . . .
a. I do
b. I was not
c. I do not
d. I did not

17. Zahra's hobby is philately.
"Philately" means. . .
a. Foesn't like stamps
b. Collecting stamps
c. Has some stamps
d. Like to buy stamps

18. The students. . .to school everyday.
a. Go
b. Went
c. Going
d. Goes

19. . . . your brother and your sister have breakfast every morning?
a. Are
b. Did
c. Does
d. Do

20. Some students go to the pool every Sunday. Their hobby is. . .
a. Singing
b. Dancing
c. Cycling
d. Swimming


1. c. Food and drinks
2. a. Sandwiches and pizza
3. b. Cold milk
4. a. Sweet
5. c. Jeruk nipis
6. c. Pahit
7. b. Fruit
8. c. Gula manis
9. d. Satu sendok ice cream
10. b. Glass
11. a. Slice
12. d. Cycling
13. d. 06:45
14. c. 07:45
15. a. Playing music
16. c. I do not
17. b. Collecting stamps
18. a. Go
19. d. Do
20. d. Swimming

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Sebelum melihat kunci jawaban contoh soal, siswa harus terlebih dahulu menjawabnya sendiri, setelah itu gunakan artikel ini untuk mengoreksi hasil pekerjaan siswa.

(, Andari Wulan Nugrahani)

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