40 Contoh Soal PTS, UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban
Inilah contoh soal PTS, UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 1 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka yang terdiri dari 40 soal pilihan ganda dan kunci jawabannya.
Penulis: Rinanda DwiYuliawati
Editor: Nuryanti

13. Is – boy – he – a
The good sentence is ....................
a. He is a boy
b. Is boy he a
c. A boy he is
Jawaban: A
14. Ruli : Do you have a pencil?
Yumi : Yes, I do.
I .................... five pencils.
a. have
b. am
c. has
Jawaban: A
15. I can see rabbits, ducks, and chickens on a ....................
a. schoolyard
b. garden
c. farm
Jawaban: C
16. Nina is a diligent girl. .................... always helps her mom.
a. I b. She c. He
Jawaban: A
17. I go to school with my father in the ….
a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Night
Jawaban: A
18. The meaning of “good afternoon” is ….
a. Selamat pagi
b. Selamat siang
c. Selamat tinggal
Jawaban: B
19. This is a yellow starfruit. In Indonesian is ….
a. Ini adalah sebuah belimbing hijau.
b. Ini adalah sebuah belimbing kuning.
c. Ini adalah sebuah belimbing merah.
Baca juga: 40 Contoh Soal PTS, UTS Pendidikan Pancasila Kelas 1 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban
Jawaban: B
20. I have a beautiful cat. Artinya saya memiliki seekor … yang cantik.
Cat in Indonesia is … .
a. Ayam
b. Katak
c. Kucing
Jawaban: C
21. Can you arrange these “ r – i – b – t – a – b ” ?
a. Chicken
b. Frog
c. Rabbit
Jawaban: C
22. Ini adalah seekor kucing. Translate into English is …
a. This is a cat
b. This is a cow
c. This is a lio
Jawaban: A
23. The color of dragon fruit is … .
A. Black
B. Purple
C. Green
Jawaban: B
24. 1. Aku punya tiga ekor kucing.
I have ........ .
a. two cats
b. three cats
c. four cats
Jawaban: B
25. Bono punya lima ekor kelinci.
Bono have ...............
a. four rabbits
b. five rabbits
c. six rabbits
Jawaban: B
26. U - C - D - K
Susunlah huruf-huruf di atas menjadi nama hewan dalam bahasa Inggris yang benar.
a. Cudk
b. Duck
c. Dcuk
Jawaban: B
27. What is "She" in Bahasa Indonesia?
a. dia (laki-laki)
b. dia (perempuan)
c. mereka
Jawaban: B
28. What is "He" in Bahasa Indonesia?
a. dia (laki-laki)
b. dia (perempuan)
c. mereka
Jawaban: A
29. He is Toni. He is a ........
a. boy
b. boys
c. girl
Jawaban: A
30. She is Laura. She is a .......
a. boy
b. girl
c. girls
Jawaban: B
31. My teacher is Bu Rani.
...... is a girl.
a. He
b. She
c. They
Jawaban: B
32. Kucing dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah....
a. duck
b. rabbit
c. cat
Jawaban: C
33. Burung dalam bahasa Inggris adalah.....
a. cat
b. fish
c. bird
Jawaban: C
34. Rara punya empat kucing.
a. Rara have four cats
b. Rara have five cats
c. Rara have six cats
Baca juga: 20 Contoh Soal PTS, UTS Pendidikan Pancasila Kelas 5 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban
Jawaban: A
35. That is yellow balloon
The colour of eraser is same with the balloon. The colour of eraser is ...
A. Red
B. Green
C. Yellow
Jawaban: C
36. Rio: Hi, my name is Rio.
Ifan: My name is Ifan. ....
A. See you!
B. Pleased to meet you, Rio
C. Please meet Rio
Jawaban: B
37. Devi : Hello, ... name is Devi. What is your name?
Isti: Hello, Devi. My name is Isti.
A. Your
B. My
C. Her
Jawaban: B
38. Tami : Olive, your sister is cute. ....?
Olive : Her name is Vita.
A. How are you
B. What is your name
C. What is her name?
Jawaban: C
39. Arhan : What is their number?
Stevi: Their numbers ... two and four.
A. Am
B. Is
C. Are
Jawaban: C
40. It is number ... (7)
A. Seven
B. Six
C. Nine
Jawaban : A
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