40 Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban ASAS UAS
Inilah contoh soal Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD/MI semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan kunci jawaban.
Penulis: Muhammad Alvian Fakka
Editor: Bobby Wiratama
25. Saman dance comes from the region…
A. Lombok
B. Maluku
C. Madura
D. Aceh
Kunci Jawaban: D
26. “ Energi “ in English language is…
A. Energy
B. Earth
C. Geothermal
D. Sun
Kunci Jawaban: A
27. What colour is this book?
The Indonesian sentence is ….
A. Apakah warna buku ini?
B. Warna apakah buku itu?
C. Apakah buku ini punya warna?
D. Warna buku ini sangat indah?
Kunci Jawaban: A
28. I) Blue in Indonesian is biru
II) Yellow in Indonesian is putih
III) Putih in English is white
IV) Hitam in English is purple
The correct statements above is number ….
A. I and II
B. I and IV
C. II and IV
D. I and III
Kunci Jawaban: D
29. Today is sunday, tomorrow will be ….
A. Tuesday
B. Friday
C. Holyday
D. Monday
Kunci Jawaban: D
30. Yesterday was friday, today is ….
A. Sunday
B. Saturday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday
Kunci Jawaban: B
31. We celebrate the independent day on ….
A. November 10th
B. August 17th
C. May 1st
D. April 21th
Kunci Jawaban: B
32. We water the plants ...
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the morning and afternoon
D. In the morning and evening
Kunci Jawaban: C
33. Plants that can become medicine is …
A. Ginger
B. Pine tree
C. Coconut tree
D. Jackfruit tree
Kunci Jawaban: A
34. “ Keberagaman “ in English language is…
A. Diversity
B. Benefit
C. Sentient
D. Environment
Kunci Jawaban: A
35. “ Rare “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Langka
B. Mudah ditemui
C. Dipelihara
D. Diperjualbelikan
Kunci Jawaban: A
36. The people who work fishing in the sea is …
A. Teacher
B. Doctor
C. Fisherman
D. Farmer
Kunci Jawaban: C
37. The person who educates us at school is…
A. Nurse
B. Police
C. Teacher
D. Tailor