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Chord dan Lirik Lagu Flash - Cigarettes After Sex: And You've Gotta Do the Right Thing

'Flash' yang dipopulerkan Cigarettes After Sex bercerita tentang mencintai seseorang tapi terlalu berlebihan.

Penulis: Andari Wulan Nugrahani
Editor: bunga pradipta p
zoom-in Chord dan Lirik Lagu Flash - Cigarettes After Sex: And You've Gotta Do the Right Thing Hanna
Cigarettes After Sex - Chord dan Lirik Lagu Flash - Cigarettes After Sex: And You've Gotta Do the Right Thing 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Inilah  chord dan lirik lagu 'Flash' yang dipopulerkan oleh Cigarettes After Sex.

Dalam kanal YouTube Cigarettes After Sex, 'Flash' diunggah ke publik pada 9 Juni 2017 lalu.

Hingga saat ini, musik video 'Flash' telah ditonton oleh 3,9 juta pengguna YouTube.

Baca: Chord dan Lirik Lagu Keep On Loving You - Cigarettes After Sex: And Were Still Together

Baca: Chord dan Lirik Lagu Sesame Syrup - Cigarettes After Sex: Youve Had a Long List of Lovers

Cigarettes After Sex - Chord dan Lirik Lagu Flash - Cigarettes After Sex: And You've Gotta Do the Right Thing
Cigarettes After Sex - Chord dan Lirik Lagu Flash - Cigarettes After Sex: And You've Gotta Do the Right Thing ( Hanna)

Berikut ini Tribunnews sajikan chord dan lirik lagu 'Flash' yang dinyanyikan oleh Cigarettes After Sex.

Baca: Chord dan Lirik Lagu Each Time You Fall In Love - Cigarettes After Sex: Lost All Your Money to Her

Baca: Chord dan Lirik Lagu Dont Let Me Go - Cigarettes After Sex: I Was Young, I Thought the World of You

Chord dan Lirik Lagu Flash - Cigarettes After Sex:


Ab Cm Bb (x4)

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Ab (hold) 

[Verse 1]

        G     C         Bb            Ab         C Bb Ab

I'm a flash, you were blinded by the love I had

        G     C         Bb                Ab                 C Bb

I'm a flash, the light could only get in through the cracks


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