Download MP3 Lagu Valerie - Amy Winehouse, Disertai Lirik Lagu
Berikut ini link download mp3 Valerie yang dipopulerkan oleh Amy Winehouse, disertai lirik lagu.
Penulis: Andari Wulan Nugrahani
Editor: Muhammad Renald Shiftanto

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut ini link download mp3 Valerie yang dipopulerkan oleh Amy Winehouse, disertai lirik lagu.
Amy Winehouse adalah penyanyi dan penulis lagu asal Inggris.
Amy Winehouse dikenal dengan kualitas vokal yang ekspresif.
Amy Winehouse menghembuskan napas terakhirnya pada 23 Juli 2011 karena kecanduan alkohol di usia 27 tahun.
Setelah kematiannya, Back to Black untuk sementara menjadi album terlaris di Inggris pada abad ke-21.
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Lirik Lagu Valerie - Amy Winehouse:
Well, sometimes I go out by myself
And I look across the water
And I think of all the things of what you're doing
In my head I paint a picture
Since I've come home
Well, my body's been a mess
And I miss your ginger hair
And the way you like to dress
Oh, won't you come on over?
Stop making a fool out of me
Why don't you come on over, Valerie?
Did you have to go to jail?
Put your house out up for sale?
Did you get a good lawyer?
I hope you didn't catch a tan,
Hope you find the right man
Who'll fix it for you
Are you shopping anywhere?
Change the color of your hair
And are you busy?
Did you have to pay that fine
That you were dodging all the time?
Are you still dizzy?
Since I've come home
Well, my body's been a mess
And I miss your ginger hair
And the way you like to dress
Oh, won't you come on over?
Stop making a fool out of me
Why don't you come on over, Valerie?