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Chord Gitar Easy On Me - Adele, Lengkap dengan Lirik Lagu dan Video Klipnya

Simak chord gitar dan lirik lagu Easy On Me yang dipopulerkan oleh Adele berikut ini.

Editor: tribunsolo
zoom-in Chord Gitar Easy On Me - Adele, Lengkap dengan Lirik Lagu dan Video Klipnya
Ilustrasi Chord gitar - Simak chord gitar dan lirik lagu Easy On Me yang dipopulerkan oleh Adele berikut ini. 
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TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Simak chord gitar dan lirik lagu Easy On Me yang dipopulerkan oleh Adele.

Lagu berjudul Easy On Me rilis setelah sekian lama Adele tidak mengeluarkan lagu baru.

Lagu Easy On Me pertama kali dirilis pada 15 Oktober 2021 oleh Adele.

Lagu milik Adele ini viral di aplikasi TikTok dan menjadi sound populer di TikTok.

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Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Easy On Me - Adele:

         C                Am7
There ain't no gold in this river
               Em                    Fmaj7
That I've been washing my hands in forever
       G    C                 Am7
I know there is hope in these waters
But I can't bring myself to swim
When I am drowning in the silence
Baby, let me in


  C  Am7  G
Go easy    on me, baby
Em      Fmaj7
I was still a child
C    Fmaj7
Didn’t get the chance to
C  Am7    G
Feel the world around me
Em       Fmaj7
I had no time to choose
C     Fmaj7
What I chose to do
      C        Am7  Em  Fmaj7
So go easy on me

G           C
There aren't no room
For things to change
When we are both so deeply
Stuck in our ways
G         C
You can't deny
How hard I tried
I changed who I was
To put you both first
But now I give up


  C  Am7  G
Go easy    on me, baby
Em    Fmaj7
I was still a child
C    Fmaj7
Didn’t get the chance to
C  Am7    G
Feel the world around me
Em       Fmaj7
I had no time to choose
C     Fmaj7
What I chose to do
     C  Am7 Em     Fmaj7
So go easy      on me


C                Am7
I had good intentions
And the highest hopes
But I knows it now
It probably doesn't even show


G  C  Am7  G
Go easy    on me, baby
Em    Fmaj7
I was still a child
C    Fmaj7
Didn’t get the chance to
C  Am7    G
Feel the world around me
Em       Fmaj7
I had no time to choose
C     Fmaj7
What I chose to do
      C        Am7  Em Fmaj7
So go easy on me

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