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Lirik Lagu Villain - Bella Poarch: I Know That You Get Jealous

Berikut lirik lagu Villain yang dinyanyikan oleh Bella Poarch, lagu Villain memiliki durasi 2 menit 25 detik.

Penulis: Gabriella Gunatyas
Editor: Salma Fenty
zoom-in Lirik Lagu Villain - Bella Poarch: I Know That You Get Jealous
Tangkapan Layar YouTube Bella Poarch
Lirik lagu Villain yang dinyanyikan oleh Bella Poarch. 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut lirik lagu Villain yang dinyanyikan oleh Bella Poarch.

Lagu Villain memiliki durasi 2 menit 25 detik.

Lagu Villain dirilis pada tahun 2022.

Lagu Villain memiliki genre musik pop.

Baca juga: Lirik Lagu Dolls - Bella Poarch: You Better Watch Your Back

Simak lirik lagu Villain yang dinyanyikan oleh Bella Poarch dalam artikel berikut:

I don’t know why I’m like this
I love to piss you off
Something in my psychosis
Finds it a little hard
I always got good intentions
You tell me I saved your life
But I’m craving your attention (And you know that I’ve got two sides)

I’ll be the villain tonight
I kinda like when you despise me after we fight (Feels so much better when I’m)
Pushin’ all your buttons ‘till you’re crawling on the floor
You say you hate my guts but you’re still coming back for more

Berita Rekomendasi

I know that you get jealous
So, I’ll play the fantasy
I know it gives you hell when
Everyone looks at me
Some of my favorite moments
Usually start with tears
Swear that you pull me closer
Whenever we flirt with fear

I’ll be the villain tonight
I kinda like when you despise me after we fight (Feels so much better when I’m)
Pushin’ all your buttons ‘till you’re crawling on the floor
You say you hate my guts but you’re still coming back for more

I’ll be the villain, I-I-the villain (I’ll be)
The villain, I-I-the villain (I’ll be)
The villain, I-I-the villain (I’ll be)
The villain, I-I-the villain (I’ll be)

What’s you and I without a little pain
Tastes bittersweet each time you say my name
If love was poison, we would drink it anyways
Feels so good playing these wicked little games

I’ll be the villain tonight
I kinda like when you despise me after we fight (Feels so much better when I’m)
Pushin’ all your buttons ‘till you’re crawling on the floor
You say you hate my guts but you’re still coming back for more

I’ll be the villain, I-I-the villain (I’ll be)
The villain, I-I-the villain (I’ll be)
The villain, I-I-the villain (I’ll be)
The villain, I-I-the villain (I’ll be)


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