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Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Heaven - Niall Horan: Heaven Won't be The Same

Simak lirik dan terjemahan lagu Heaven yang dinyanyikan oleh Niall Horan dan telah dirilis pada 16 Februari 2023.

Penulis: Katarina Retri Yudita
Editor: Nanda Lusiana Saputri
zoom-in Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Heaven - Niall Horan: Heaven Won't be The Same
Tangkapan layar YouTube Niall Horan
Lagu Heaven dinyanyikan oleh Niall Horan. Berikut lirik dan terjemahannya. 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut lirik dan terjemahan lagu Heaven yang dinyanyikan oleh Niall Horan.

Lagu Heaven dirilis pada 16 Februari 2023.

Lirik video lagu Heaven juga diunggah di YouTube Niall Horan pada 17 Februari 2023.

Baca juga: Lirik dan Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Lagu No Judgement - Niall Horan, Kamu Bisa Jadi Diri Sendiri

Lirik Lagu Heaven - Niall Horan:

Strange light revolves around you
You float across the room
Your touch is made of something
Heaven can't hold a candle too
You're made of somethin' new

Let's not get complicated
Let's just enjoy the view
It's hard to be a human
So much to put an answer to
But that's just what we do

God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts to grow outta control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same

Berita Rekomendasi

I'm havin' revelations
You dance across the floor
Beyond infatuation
How I obsessively adore you
That's what I do

I believe, I believe, I could die in your kiss
No, it doesn't get, doesn't get better than this

God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts to grow outta control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same

God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts to grow outta control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same
Heaven won't be the same

I believe, I believe, I could die in your kiss
No, it doesn't get, doesn't get better than, better than this

God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts to grow outta control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same

God only knows where this could go
And even if our love starts to grow outta control
And you and me go up in flames
Heaven won't be the same

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