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Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Empty Room - Jamie Miller: Hoping It'll Get to You

Simak lirik dan terjemahan lagu Empty Room yang dinyanyikan oleh Jamie Miller dan telah dirilis pada September 2023.

Penulis: Katarina Retri Yudita
Editor: Salma Fenty
zoom-in Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Empty Room - Jamie Miller: Hoping It'll Get to You
Warner Music Indonesia
Lagu Empty Room dinyanyikan oleh Jamie Miller. Berikut lirik dan terjemahannya. 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut lirik dan terjemahan lagu Empty Room yang dinyanyikan oleh Jamie Miller.

Lagu Empty Room telah dirilis pada September 2023.

Official visualizer lagu Empty Room telah dirilis di YouTube Jamie Miller pada 17 September 2023.

Baca juga: Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu No Matter What - Jamie Miller: Im Here No Matter What

Lirik Lagu Empty Room - Jamie Miller:

[Verse 1]
You got all the time in the world until you don't
I was betting on forever, but forever comes and goes
Never thought I'd have to know you as a memory
Now I'm rehearsing all the things I'd say if you were in front of me

I'd tell you that I love you, I miss you, I wish you were here
Maybe if I shout it loud enough, you might hear

I'll talk to the walls, I'll tell them the truth
Have a heart-to-heart with the ceiling 'cause I can't with you
I got all this love, but what good does it do?
If I'm all alone, so I'll scream it to this empty room
Hoping it'll get to you

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[Verse 2]
I think I heard the curtains whispering your name
And the pain has started running like the tears across my face
And I don't know if it's helping, but I don't think I can help it
'Cause there's a million things I didn't get to say

Like how much I love you, I miss you, I wish you were here
Maybe if I shout it long enough, you'll appear

So, I'll talk to the walls, I'll tell them the truth
Have a heart-to-heart with the ceiling 'cause I can't with you
I got all this love, but what good does it do?
If I'm all alone, so I'll scream it to this empty room
Hoping it'll get to you

I don't know where you are
But I know that a little bit of you is in every part of me
I don't know where you are
But I hope that a little bit of you is out there missing me

I'll talk to the walls, I'll tell them the truth
Have a heart-to-heart with the ceiling 'cause I can't with you
I got all this love, and it's probably no use
But I'm all alone, so I'll scream it to this empty room
Hoping it'll get to you

Terjemahan Lagu Empty Room - Jamie Miller:

Kamu punya banyak waktu di dunia sampai kamu tidak punya waktu lagi
Aku bertaruh untuk selamanya, tetapi selamanya datang dan pergi
Tidak pernah berpikir aku harus mengenalmu sebagai kenangan
Sekarang kamu sedang berlatih semua hal yang aku katakan jika kamu berada di depanku

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