Lirik dan Chord Gitar Lagu A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay, Kunci Mudah Dimainkan dari Am
Simak chord gitar dan lirik lagu berjudul A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay, kunci mudah dimainkan.
Penulis: Ayu Miftakhul
Editor: Yurika NendriNovianingsih

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Simak chord gitar dan lirik lagu berjudul A Sky Full Of Stars oleh band asal Inggris, Coldplay.
Lagu A Sky Full Of Star masuk dalam daftar lagu di album yang bertajuk Ghost Stories.
Video klip lagu A Sky Full Of Stars telah tayang pada 19 Juni 2014, lalu.
Sejak sembilan tahun dirilis, klip tersebut telah ditonton lebih dari 874 juta kali.
Baca juga: Chord Gitar Lagu Jealous Guy - John Lennon: I Was Dreaming of The Past
Simak Chord dan Lirik A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay:
Am F C Em x2
Am F C Em
Cause you're a sky, cause you're a sky full of stars
Am F C Em
I'm going to give you my heart
Am F C Em
Cause you're a sky, cause you're a sky full of stars
Am F C Em
And cause you light up the path
Am F C Em
I don't care, go on and tear me apart
Am F C Em
I don't care if you do
Am F C Em
Cause in a sky, cause in a sky full of stars
Am F C Em
I think I saw you
Am F C Em x3
Am F C Em
Cause you're a sky, cause you're a sky full of stars
Am F C Em
I'm wanna die in your arms, oh
Am F C Em
Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark
Am F C Em
I wanna give you my heart
Am F C Em
I don't care, go on and tear me apart
Am F C Em
I don't care if you do
Am F C Em
Cause in a sky, cause in a sky full of stars
Am F C Em
I think I see you
Am F Em
I think I see you
Am F C Em x4
F G Am C x2
F G Am C
Because you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars
F G Am C
Such a heavenly view
F G Am C
Such a heavenly view
F G Am C x3
Baca juga: Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Houdini - Dua Lipa: I Come and I Go Tell Me All The Ways You Need Me
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