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Daftar Pemenang KBS Entertainment Awards 2023, 2 Days & 1 Night Raih Daesang

Berikut ini daftar pemenang KBS Entertainment Awards 2023. Para pemain “2 Days & 1 Night” berhasil raih Daesang.

Penulis: Yurika Nendri Novianingsih
Editor: Suci BangunDS
zoom-in Daftar Pemenang KBS Entertainment Awards 2023, 2 Days & 1 Night Raih Daesang
Daftar pemenang KBS Entertainment Awards 2023, para pemain “2 Days & 1 Night” berhasil raih Daesang. 

- Rookie Award for Show & Variety: Yoo Seon Ho (“2 Days & 1 Night”)

- Rookie Award for Reality: Insooni, Shin Hyo Bum, Park Mi Kyung, Lee Eun Mi (“Golden Girls”)

- Popularity Award: anak-anak “The Return of Superman”

- Special Producer Award: Boom (“Fun-staurant”)

- Digital Content Award: LE SSERAFIM’s Hong Eunchae (“Eunchae’s Star Diary”)

- Best Entertainer: Kang Daniel (“Mr. House Husband”)

Baca juga: Sinopsis Maestra: Strings of Truth, Drama Thriller Rahasia Seorang Konduktor, Tayang Mulai Besok

- Best Icon: Choo Sung Hoon (“Boss in the Mirror”), Lee Mujin (“Leemujin Service”)

Berita Rekomendasi

- Best Challenge: YB (“The Black Box on Earth”)

- Best Idea: Cho Soo Yeon, Shin Yoon Seung (“Gag Concert”)

- Best Teamwork: pemain “Gag Concert”

- DJ of the Year: DAY6’s Young K, Lee Eun Ji.


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