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Terjemahan Lirik Attention - Doja Cat: Baby, If You Like It, Just Reach Out and Pet It

Simak selengkapnya lirik dan terjemahan Attention yang dipopulerkan Doja Cat.

Penulis: Salma Fenty Irlanda
Editor: Febri Prasetyo
zoom-in Terjemahan Lirik Attention - Doja Cat: Baby, If You Like It, Just Reach Out and Pet It
YouTube Doja Cat/Tangkapan Layar
Doja Cat - lirik dan terjemahan Attention yang dipopulerkan Doja Cat. 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Inilah lirik dan terjemahan lagu "Attention" yang dipopulerkan Doja Cat.

"Attention" dirilis 16 Juni 2023 lalu.

Berikut lirik Attention - Doja Cat.

Baby, if you like it, just reach out and pet it

This one doesn't bite, it doesn't get aggressive

Show you how to touch it, hold it like it's precious

It don't need your lovin', it just needs attention

Love me, it needs, it seeks affection (So sweet)

Berita Rekomendasi

Hungry, it fiends attention (Help me)

It needs, it seeks affection (Baby)

Hungry (Yeah), it fiends (Yeah)

Look at me, look at me, you lookin'?

My taste good, but I just had to redirect my cookin'

I could've been an opener, I redirect the bookin'

I read it, all the comments sayin', "D, I'm really shooketh"

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