- Regional Chief of Foreign Affair Department for DPD HIPMI Jaya (1992–1995)
- National Chief of Industrial and Capital Investment Compartment for BPP HIPMI (1995–1998)
- National Chief of Institutional and Private Sector Co-operation for BPP HIPMI (1998–2001)
- Advisory Board for BPP HIPMI (2001-2005 )
- Honorable Member for BPP HIPMI (2005–2008)
c. DPP ORGANDA (National Land Transportation Organization):
- Head of Transportation and Equipment Compartment (1998–1999)
- Vice Secretary General for DPP ORGANDA (1999–2004)
d. Gerakan Muda (Young Men Fellowship ) of KOSGORO: Chief of Department of Foreign Affair (1993–1995)
e. Indonesian Junior Chamber ( IJC) subsidiary of Junior Chamber International (JCI):
- Director of National Committee (1993)
- Vice President of National Committee (1994)
f. Badan Pengembangan Ekonomi Umat: Islamic Sosial and Economic Chambre of Commerce
g. Yayasan Amanah: Islamic Study Group and Social Education and Charitya.
h. Member of Board Amanah Foundation: (founded by: K.H. Ali Yafie) (2004-sekarang).
(Tribunnews.com/Yunita Rahmayanti)(Kompas.com/Tsarina Maharani)
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