The politician seemed as if he had never spoken publicly before.
He adalah subjek.
had never spoken sebagai predikat.
2. Adverbs of Time
Jenis ini digunakan untuk mengetahui jawaban yang diawali kata when atau kapan.
Dapat menggunakan kata-kata until, before, after, as long as, dan while.
They hiked before they ate dinner.
3. Adverbs of Purpose
Tipe ini menggunakan subordinate conjunction seperti so that, lest you, in order to, dan in case.
They drove to the farm so that they could pick apples.
Baca juga: Conditional Sentences Tipe 0, 1, 2, dan 3, Dilengkapi Rumus, Fungsi, dan Contoh Kalimat Pengandaian
4. Adverbs of Place