Pecah Rekor, Angkasa Pura I Borong 24 Penghargaan di ASQ Awards 2023
Jumlah penghargaan yang diraih oleh 8 bandara AP1 tersebut sekaligus memecahkan rekor penghargaan yang pernah diraih perusahaan di ajang ASQ Awards.
Editor: Content Writer
PT Angkasa Pura I (AP1) berhasil meraih 24 penghargaan dari 8 bandara yang dikelola perusahaan dalam ajang prestisius Airport Service Quality Awards 2023 (ASQ Awards 2023).
B. Bandara Internasional Yogyakarta (5 penghargaan):
1.Best Airport of 5 to 15 Million Passengers in Asia-Pacific
2. Airport with the Most Dedicated Staff in Asia-Pacific
3. Easiest Airport Journey in Asia-Pacific
4. Most Enjoyable Airport in Asia-Pacific
5. Cleanest Airport in Asia-Pacific
C. Bandara SAMS Sepinggan Balikpapan (4 penghargaan):
Berita Rekomendasi
1. Best Airport of 5 to 15 Million Passengers in Asia-Pacific
2. Airport with the Most Dedicated Staff in Asia-Pacific
3. Easiest Airport Journey in Asia-Pacific
4. Most Enjoyable Airport in Asia-Pacific
D. Bandara Adi Soemarmo Solo (4 penghargaan):
1. Best Airport of 2 to 5 Million Passengers in Asia-Pacific
2. Airport with the Most Dedicated Staff in Asia-Pacific