40 Ucapan Natal dan Tahun Baru dalam Bahasa Inggris, Cocok untuk Dikirimkan Lewat WhatsApp
Sebanyak 40 ucapan Natal dan Tahun baru dalam bahasa Inggris, dapat kamu temukan dalam artikel berikut ini lengkap!
Penulis: Whiesa Daniswara
Editor: Miftah

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Hari Raya Natal sebentar lagi akan segera tiba.
Natal yang biasanya digelar pada 25 Desember, selalu dinanti-nantikan oleh umat Kristiani di seluruh dunia.
Karena di Hari Raya Natal, seluruh umat Kristiani akan merayakannya dengan berkumpul di rumah atau mengikuti Misa Natal.
Menjelang Natal, orang-orang akan berlomba untuk menuliskan ucapan Natal kepada para sahabat atau keluarga besar di media sosial.
Untuk itu, alangkah lebih baiknya menyimak kumpulan ucapan Hari Natal dalam bahasa Inggris melalui artikel ini.

Berikut 40 ucapan Natal dan Tahun Baru yang cocok untuk dikirim lewat WhatsApp, dikutip Tribunnews dari Serenta Flowers:
1. During this time of faith and family, may the true meaning of Christmas fill you with joy. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.
2. Amidst the Christmas carols, eggnog, cookies, and mounds of presents, may your heart be filled with contentment and the unique feeling of joy that the season brings.
3. My special wishes to you and to all those too are close to you. May you have a Christmas that is more special than it has ever been. May Baby Jesus bless you abundantly.
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4. Christmas is a season of great joy: a time for remembering the past and hoping for the future. May the glorious message of peace and love fill you with joy during this wonderful season.
5. This time of year brings festivities and family fun. It is a time for reminiscing and looking forward. Wishing you wonderful memories during this joyous season.
6. A Christmas candle is a lovely thing; It makes no noise at all, But softly gives itself away; While quite unselfish, it grows small.
7. During the miraculous time that is Christmas may you see with the eyes of a child, experience the wonder of love, and truly enjoy all that the season has to offer.
8. As you celebrate the glory of this miraculous season, may your home be filled with love, peace, and joy. May these blessings follow you throughout the New Year.